Personally, I wouldn't have wanted any of my men to be treated a long way from home without guarantees about aftercare. We have in the past had members here who realised too late that once their treatment had been undertaken elsewhere, their local health services would not offer any of the essential stuff like ED treatments, incontinence support etc. it would be worth asking your local urology department to confirm whether your ongoing monitoring (you will be having regular PSA tests for at least 10 years after the op and probably for the rest of your life) will be given all their attention, whether you will be flying back to Cambridge for your 6 week and 3 month reviews or whether the surgeon in Cambridge will share ALL your histology and details of the op with your Irish consultant, etc.
I am reminded of Mike who lived in York but was transferred for treatment to Leeds, a tiny 17 miles away. Once discharged from the hospital, he never saw the surgeon again, never received his lab results, the GP tried and failed to get any kind of report and the York team wouldn't pick him back up. A referral for ED was not permitted. A rare but shocking failure and frightening for him and his wife so best to check first that you would not find yourself in this situation.
I imagine that the hospital would give you advice about the increased risks of DVT post-op and any implications of flying so soon after surgery. They could perhaps give you anti-coagulants and show you how to self-inject?
Edited by member 21 Nov 2014 at 19:27
| Reason: Not specified