Hello Folks,
After reading some of the threads from this forum I felt that it will be an important source of support, advice, information and, indeed, inspiration for me as it has been, undoubtedly for countless others.
I am a very fit 64 yrs old who also (normally) enjoy excellent health until my diagnosis of cancer last June. This was never meant to be on my script but my DNA had decided otherwise!
The initial feelings of shock, surprise,anger and disbelief are behind me now. My sole focus is my determination to tackle the beast head on and beat it! All my deceased close male relatives lived until their eighties and (mostly) nineties. I want to be part of that exclusive club!!
Thankfully my cancer is localised but on both lobes: PSA 9.9, Gleason 7 at stage T2c with peri-neural invasion meaning cancer cells are surrounding and tracking along nerve fibres inside the gland. This, unfortunately, maybe an important indicator of possible or potential spread outside the prostatic capsule. We should know with more certainty following surgery. My hope is for the best clinical outcome possible : PSA undetectable plus negative margin.
I knew surgery would be best for me in agreement with the specialists. So I opted for a Davinci Radical Prostatectomy which is not available in Lincolnshire and asked to be referred to UCLH. For me the near probability of major complications such as incontinence and ED (though transient) is a small price to pay for longer survivability.
My op will be performed by a high volume robotic surgeon next month. We discussed the issue of nerve-sparing because of my peri-neural invasion. Though my wife and I enjoy an active sex life, I told him he has my blessing to remove all my nerve bundles if deemed clinically necessary. I'm sure he'll try and save some!
The single journey home is around 150 miles to the hospital. We are staying at a hotel which is about 10 mins walk from the H. It would be an overnight stay if all goes well. We are staying at the hotel on the day of my discharge and my wife to drive me home the next day.
Bearing in mind that I'll have a catheter attached to my leg, what would be the practical issues I need to bear in mind in terms of my staying at the hotel for 1 night following my discharge? Are there any other considerations?
I would be most appreciative of the thoughts of people who has undergone this type of surgery or any other comments.
My apology for the long narrative which may be of benefit to some people who has very similar clinical picture to mine although I, of course, appreciate that everyone has his unique set of circumstances.
Thank you for looking in and kind regards,
P.S. I'll be more than happy to respond to private messages if any member so wishes.