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Ever Decreasing Circles part three

Posted 02 Sep 2019 at 21:35

Yorkhull's friends here may like to know that the latest edition of Probation Quarterly is dedicated to his memory and has some wonderful recollections and testimonials as well as a repeat of an article he wrote last year when he stood down as the Chair of the Probation Institute as his cancer progressed.

His approach to his incurable diagnosis, his thoughtful and thought-provoking posts give members of PCUK a good insight into his values and commitment to his profession and the difference that can be made to people's lives if resourced properly.

I am proud to count him as a friend.



Edited by member 02 Sep 2019 at 21:36  | Reason: to activate link

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 02 Sep 2019 at 21:48
Thanks Lyn

A very fitting tribute to a lovely man who Lesley and I also counted as a friend

Bri x
Posted 03 Sep 2019 at 14:53

A fantastic tribute to an intelligent, thoughtful man who has obviously made a huge impact in the field he worked in. I always valued his posts and blogs.



Posted 03 Sep 2019 at 19:31
Lyn, Many thanks for posting this, and for all your other good work.

I only returned to the Forum just this evening following what now seems like a spookily- timed catch up note from DaveWill - a fellow long term 'surveillance' type. I had not looked on here at all since January.

I actually met Yorkhull - never picked up his real name - when a very small group of us were privileged to gather in Hammersmith a few years back to help spec. out key user principles for the new (= this) revamped forum system. Always very good to put a face to a 'name' and it was of course immediately apparent that he combined earnest determination to carry on regardless against very evident adversity, with a dedicated mission to advise and comfort those similarly afflicted. Yes, he most definitely was a great guy and with very many informative posts to his credit.

Perhaps needless to say, I had no knowledge of his sad passing until tonight - so thank you Lyn.

Please do keep up the very good work of 'oiling the wheels' of this forum - must try get back into it myself, in case surveillance options really are now gaining significant ground within the raft of primary advice to newly diagnosed patients.

Cheers for now / David (AS / WW for 11 years ....)
'It couldn't possibly happen to me....'
Posted 26 Sep 2019 at 00:10

I first got to know Paul in 1983 as a new officer in the same Probation Service but our paths rarely crossed and I retired following a heart attack in 1994. I am saddened to learn of his passing an hour or so ago when making one of my irregular visits to the site. He was an inspiration to us all. So able to describe his cancer experience with  much feeling and sincerity aware that his words might hit the right note for some reader or other. He was also able to reach out in his knowledgeable manner with understanding of others finding their way into  this new frightening world: professionalism was his whole life.

Rest in peace Yorkhull

 Sadly, our youngest son lost his battle with an aggressive lung cancer last month in Spain where he had lived for thirty of his forty-eight years but his older brother who had been on HT and radiology for prostate cancer (partly aggressive) has made a gradual return to work. I'm convinced the family genes/DNA are a factor.

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