Lyn, Many thanks for posting this, and for all your other good work.
I only returned to the Forum just this evening following what now seems like a spookily- timed catch up note from DaveWill - a fellow long term 'surveillance' type. I had not looked on here at all since January.
I actually met Yorkhull - never picked up his real name - when a very small group of us were privileged to gather in Hammersmith a few years back to help spec. out key user principles for the new (= this) revamped forum system. Always very good to put a face to a 'name' and it was of course immediately apparent that he combined earnest determination to carry on regardless against very evident adversity, with a dedicated mission to advise and comfort those similarly afflicted. Yes, he most definitely was a great guy and with very many informative posts to his credit.
Perhaps needless to say, I had no knowledge of his sad passing until tonight - so thank you Lyn.
Please do keep up the very good work of 'oiling the wheels' of this forum - must try get back into it myself, in case surveillance options really are now gaining significant ground within the raft of primary advice to newly diagnosed patients.
Cheers for now / David (AS / WW for 11 years ....)