I have been trying to post all day for you Paul but PCUK would just not load for me so in times of Internet trouble I seek my eldest son 16 to help me out but these teenagers are just so inconsiderate ( he had been to see his girlfriend) not realising his mother was in urgent need of him.
Conversation went some thing like this on his return from said girlfriend.
James wake up I can't get PCUK to load for me
Repeat of above
Repeat of above
Mum I am asleep
I know darling but this is important
I then hand him said iPad.
Click, click, click
Mum you are on Safari
First thought was OH my he is has been on the juice
No Darling I am in your bedroom
Mum you are on Safari
Oh am I ( I thought it was best to humour Him at this point)
Mum you have clicked safari , I told you don't keep clicking on things
Ok I promise I won't But am I back from safariπ
So any way it has taken all day but here I am
Not such good news on the PSA but and I always stress the buts Trevor had a huge fall in PSA when he stopped Cassodex and it was 8 or 9 mths before he started Abbi. Your scan results are brilliant so my friend onwards and upwards . We live to fight another day and those circles are still circling around.
Lots of love