My first post ended with me awaiting the results of the Ten-Plate Biopsy I had in October last year.
I saw my Consultant in November following quite a long wait and was given the news that 4 of the cores taken were cancerous. It was described as low volume and lower grade disease and the Gleason was 3 + 4 . As a result it was suggested I continue on surveillance, with an appointment arranged for March this year, following a PSA.
The March PSA was 15, the highest it's been, and as a result, I was asked to have an MRI scan. Following this, an appointment was arranged for this month to discuss the results of that. At that meeting I was told that although the MRI didn't reveal anything else, the Consultant was concerned that because my prostate was quite large, the MRI might not have picked up everything and perhaps treatment should be considered. However, before any decision, he wanted his team to have a look at the MRI which they hadn't yet had a chance to.I was given 2 options to consider, if we went down that road, depending on the views of his team - Removal, or Hormone Therapy plus Radiotherapy.
I should receive a phone call tomorrow from the Consultant to discuss the outcome of the meeting with his team. Meanwhile, I have been trying to make up my mind which route should be taken should I be asked.
I'm sure many of you have been in a similar situation and I realise that the decision is mine alone, following the Consultant's advice and views. It's a bit scary waiting, as I'm sure, there again, many of you have experienced.
I will report back once I know what's happening. I feel quite ok about the future, especially having read so many of your stories, and it is so good to have this site to share my story and receive the support that comes from it.