Hello Dave
I am sorry to see you here, but you are in the right place for information.
Stampede is a trial that tests the use of drugs, that are usually used later in treatment, earlier - alongside standard treatment.
It is a random trial so you may get standard treatment ( like you would get anyway) or you may get some additional drugs to go with it, like abiraterone or/and Enzi, which are the 2 new drugs for P ca that is more advanced.
The trial means that you may get to try these drugs earlier in your treatment, in the hope that they will work better, this is what they are testing.
If you are on the trial you will get more appointments and monitoring than you might if you do not enrol. You will have to fill in questionnaires and have more blood tests, but in the hope that the drugs will work better.
There is a lot to think about as there are side effects of the drugs and a lot more appointments to attend.
This is a brief overview, you will be given a lot of information to read.
My OH was on this trial for 2 years and completed it last summer. he had the standard treatment plus abiraterone. His side effects were raised Bp and reduced potassium but they monitored him extremely carefully and had other drugs to counter these side effects. The trial nurses were exceptional and very informative.
There is a little more to it though , in that NICE have decided that if you take certain drugs that you cannot have others later on but this is a minefield and may change before you ever need the other drug. I do not wish to confuse you as you are at a very difficult point at the moment and should try to think about things one step at a time.
Others on here will comment soon I am sure! but we would recommend the trial if you feel up to the additional appointments and side effects that you may or may not get.
Best wishes