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Erecting the Erection - Medication

Posted 01 Mar 2017 at 18:44

Whatever you do , just get started ok. Purchase a pump to keep his tissue healthy and stretched. Tablets won't work if you non nerve spared so make it known you want to try Alprostadil asap. Maybe try MUSE first which is a pellet that is inserted into your penis eye. Or there is a Vitaros cream or injections.
It's good that your consultant is willing to help but he may be hard to keep in contact with being so busy.
Good luck and keep posting

Posted 16 Mar 2017 at 21:59

Haha Spam Troll.
Ouch , an external steel splint , no demo whatsoever , and a man slurring his words in his living room promoting it. Shame on you and I've reported it.

Posted 30 Mar 2017 at 18:52

Hi All
Kevin here I'm four weeks post op Davinci
Just started on the 5mg Cialis
Trying to get prepared for the journey a head

Hi All

coming up to six months post op see consultant in two weeks .Still on the 5 mg Cialis no erections yet but there is something going on down there .Incontinence no problem now been off the pads during the day about six weeks .

Staying positive .


Edited by member 07 Sep 2017 at 04:28  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 16 Apr 2017 at 16:59

Hi, This is my very first message to you. My Da Vinci was 5 weeks ago at a splendid facility at Imperial St Mary's London and though I didn't see my consultant urologist after (in fact I've spent about 4 mins with him total) I asked the registrar who facilitates theatre how it went and I gathered one side nerves were spared but he wasn't sure about the other. Catheter out after 2 weeks and an unstoppable dribble when standing from then until now. My penis looked totally sad but after a weak has regained some shape. I had a good connection with my specialist nurse at Chelsea & Westminster (old St Stephens) and she referred me to a good physio for the pelvic floor Kegels. However, I have had zilch ED treatment and the urologist won't see me until 9 weeks after the op so I've asked the nurse a few times for something about the ED. Nothing. I find living alone quite hard work doing the housekeeping, nursing and arranging everything. Some friends had indeed been absolutely terrific but when I'm on my own, especially during these public holidays, I am very sad. I think my libido functions as in the case of a couple of hard won orgasms thanks to a vivd imagination. I am frankly surprised to be left without the treatment vaguely referred to before the op but don't know what to do to help poor old penis get a blood supply. 

Posted 20 Aug 2017 at 17:59

Reported to the moderators ;-/

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 30 Nov 2017 at 12:38

Hi all
Lots of very sad news on the forum recently. It seems there always is :-(
I just wanted to put in a report on my erectile recovery , mostly to encourage others behind me on their journey , and to stress the importance of not giving up on recovery. I’m now approaching 30 months post op , and as you know I’ve tried everything in the bag to regain function. For the last six months maybe my wife and I have been lucky that with daily Cialis 5mg and a soft stretchy ring , we have got back to completely normal. The ring was essential in achieving full erection strangely. Admittedly he’s not what he was length wise having lost over an inch I’d say , but girth wise much the same. He’ adopted an upwards bend which is a bonus lol.
So really I’ve thought that’s it recovery wise and mustn’t grumble etc , but lo and behold the last two days he’s back to full erections on demand WITHOUT the ring !! I nearly cried. I remember Lyn saying that recovery can still happen long after 2 years and it seems she was right. So some good news.
If they had got my cancer I’d be in a good place right now , but tragically for me with a romping psa I’m going to lose it all for a second time when I start HT which is unavoidable soon. I can’t bear to think of it.
Keep trying everyone

Posted 30 Nov 2017 at 14:16

Well done mate, you certainly deserve it, you are an inspiration, keep it up, well not for too long.

Thanks Chris

Posted 30 Nov 2017 at 16:46

Really good to have some good news on the forum.
I find it particularly encouraging because I am ten months post op with no real progress with ED. Will continue with pump and Viagra as advised by my Uro.
Make the most of it while you can and good luck with your HT


Posted 29 May 2019 at 12:09

Chris, I would not assume HT will lose it.

I've been on HT for a while now (awaiting RT, but there's been a much longer delay than is typical). It doesn't seem to directly impact erections. It impacts libido, and as a side effect, that impacts erections. I would say it's more difficult to get started because with reduced libido, your mind easily wanders to something else, but if you keep your mind on what you're doing and stop it from wandering, erections are just the same as before. You also need to keep concentrated once it's hard, and again, it's easy to suddenly think, did I put the rubbish bins out, or some such, and find it's losing hardness, but it returns when you get your mind back on to what you're doing.

I think the most difficult part is imagining beforehand the effect of reduction/loss of libido. Having been told beforehand by the ED nurse, "use it or lose it", I'd thought to myself, well that's not going to be difficult! However, it is without libido. You may need to force yourself when you aren't actually that interested. You need to explain that to your partner too. Maybe agree some pact between you where it's OK, or even encouraged, for her to drive things even if you seem uninterested.

Of course, my experience may not be universal, and there might be others who lose erection capability directly from HT. There is certainly another thread here at the moment where Davywls hasn't lost libido on HT.

EDIT: Urgh... I had two threads open and thought I was reading/editing a the new one, not a 2 year old one...

Edited by member 29 May 2019 at 18:20  | Reason: Edited old thread in error.

Posted 12 Jun 2019 at 23:26

Keep the faith, eat the nuts. Maybe that could be our new motto? 😂 

Edited by member 12 Jun 2019 at 23:27  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 27 Jul 2019 at 17:40

After five years of being a wuss I manned up and stuck a needle in my penis today. For those of you with the same reservations I had it is well worth the mild discomfort  from the injection. I have used Muse before but 10 mg of caverject works 100 percent for me. 

Thanks Chris

Posted 27 Jul 2019 at 19:55
Fantastic Chris. Wholly chuffed for you !
Posted 27 Jul 2019 at 21:03
Well done Chris,

on so called "manning up".

Morning glory?



All we can do - is do all that we can.

So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)

I am the statistic.

Posted 27 Jul 2019 at 23:20

CJ and Dave,

Thanks guys you have both been of great help and inspiration to me over the past few years with your different approaches to penile health.

Thanks Chris

Posted 31 Dec 2020 at 10:18

I just wanted to ‘ re-erect’ this post as it is packed full of info for people wanting to help with erectile recovery. I get loads of messages from both men and women all the time on this subject , and maybe by bringing this post to light again will help others.
Everyone’s Journey is different and some have partial nerve spare surgery or full nerve spare , and sadly others have non-nerve sparing surgery. Others go down the HT and RT route and get little support at all.
I had partial nerve-sparing surgery 5 1/2 yrs ago and I tell you now that I STILL use my pump at least 3 times a week, and from 10 weeks post surgery. I have tried everything along the way — event dose tablets , injections , regular Cialis , simple soft penis ring etc.
Any doctor that tells you that recovery won’t continue after ten or 12 months is talking tosh in my opinion. Even in just this last two months we are seeing fantastic further recovery and believe me it’s not psychological as I’m actually in a bad place mentally right now.
I ended up with endless pump use , daily 5mg Tadalafil and a basics cock-ring , and have to say right now that I have instant response with my partner , no longer need the ring , and am virtually the same size as I was pre-surgery strangely , because I definitely lost size over the years. Now I have to wait to get him out of the pump after I’ve deflated.
I just want to say there is always hope after surgery and HT and RT , and simply can’t stress loudly enough that using that pump like a best friend is going to help immensely in keeping him fit and healthy while you recover. I’m lucky enough to have had Tadalafil now for 4 1/2 yrs. If your doctor won’t prescribe then think about purchasing privately with his permission.
If you had non nerve spare then you still need a pump and injections like Invicorp25 can be greatly effective.
If you’re on HT and have no libido then still use the pump and ask for daily Tadalafil. It will be working in the background. Anyway I’m waffling — just don’t give up.
Sadly my full recovery has coincided with possibly the last full year of my life , but that’s a different story. All stay safe and well and have a happier New Year
Chris xx

Edited by member 31 Dec 2020 at 11:00  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 31 Dec 2020 at 10:42


That's a brilliant post, and mirrors my experience of talking with men individually and in presentations.

The knowledge of this among clinicians is pretty much non-existent. While my presentations are aimed at patients, I do get both consultants and CNS's coming along, and they're blown away by this level of detail which they don't know themselves.

There was also one amusing time when I was having a consultation with a urologist, and he asked if I was OK with a GP sitting in to observe. He asked me what the side effects were from the hormone therapy, I think for the GP's benefit, but as I rattled off the ones I'd got, the urologist was in total surprise - none of them would surprise anyone here, but he'd never heard of them. This is a guy who is supposedly obtaining each patients' informed consent to start them on hormone therapy. This lack of knowledge among clinicians is really widespread, and in some cases (particularly urologists knowing about impact on ED) might even be classed as denial. I sat through a talk by one urologist on ED during/after prostate cancer treatment that was full of stuff I know to be incorrect even from my own experience, and he'd started out by explaining the slides were from a set he uses to train new doctors.

Edited by member 31 Dec 2020 at 10:47  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 31 Dec 2020 at 16:40

My urologist was amazed when I told him a durex cock ring NOT Caverject was the ultimate solution for me.
He was in the "top 10" urologist in the UK too!

Forgot to say the two biggest tips in restoring my sex life came from Chris and this forum NOT my urologist.

Edited by member 31 Dec 2020 at 16:42  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 31 Dec 2020 at 17:13
And I was directly told by my Urologist that the daily Tadalafil was not proven and was probably just psychological. My wife was mad as I’d been denied it for a whole year. I self-purchased for three months and the effects were almost immediate for me. Then my local area tried to stop my prescription which I went mad at and my lovely GP has prescribed ever since. Event doses of anything had little effect and nasty side effects. It’s really about time that Uro’s and GP’s bought in to the whole ED thing post treatment , and provide all the necessary support and drugs. Men and women shouldn’t have to suffer as much as they do , as with proper help and meds nearly all men can achieve a great deal of success and not decline into utter depression and despair !!
Posted 01 Jan 2021 at 10:06
I love this thread, it has made a huge difference to my life! We have an ED nurse in our area that everyone gets referred to. Unfortunately she is terrifying and largely inept, fortunately threads like this have given me the information that I needed. Always do your research before meeting with the “professionals”.

Currently, the regime that works for me is daily tadalfil 5mg and sildenafil 50mg to top up with in the evening as required. The pump was perfect in the first year or two to stop atrophy, and cock rings (behind all tackle) have a place in as much as it reduces urine leakage. I could have Muse or injections if required, but definitely holding off on that as I have found what works for me at the moment.

I also have a GP surgery that will take my guidance based on research. This meant that I ended up with three prescriptions for pumps (I gave two of them back!), as much tadalfil 5mg that I required, and now have a cupboard full of Sildenafil 100mg. I know that not al people are fortunate enough to have a sympathetic prescribing GP, so please give me a shout if you think I can be of help there.

Mostly, thank you all for sharing your journeys, trials and experience. Both me and my new partner are most grateful!

Posted 10 Dec 2022 at 00:18

I mentioned to my surgeon about taking 5mg of Tadalafil. But he said it was becoming less common  these days for it to prescribed. You would have thought that there was a standard in the UK, or maybe not....

Posted 10 Dec 2022 at 08:50

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I mentioned to my surgeon about taking 5mg of Tadalafil. But he said it was becoming less common  these days for it to prescribed. You would have thought that there was a standard in the UK, or maybe not....

It is the gold standard in terms of erection recovery post-op but more and more Trusts are withdrawing it due to cost :-( 

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 20 Dec 2022 at 16:11

My Andrologist at UCLH refused to prescribe it for me as well, rather he went with the 20mg x 8 monthly prescription. I now take it 2ce a week (regardless of whether I will see any action or not).

Posted 20 Dec 2022 at 19:00
I would halve those tablets with a cutter and take every other day for max effect
Posted 21 Dec 2022 at 04:19

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I would halve those tablets with a cutter and take every other day for max effect

I've been lucky and have been prescribed 5 mg Tadalafil daily, but if I was in your shoes I would follow Chris's suggestion and halve the tablets and take them every other day.

Posted 21 Dec 2022 at 12:47

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I would halve those tablets with a cutter and take every other day for max effect

Great idea, thanks!

Posted 06 Jan 2023 at 21:54
There is no way that a UK based doctor would recommend this product - it is untested and isn't even promoted by the manufacturer as an ED treatment. Trust pilot reviews are pretty dreadful - it comes via Netherlands and / or Croatia so lots of delays, customs bills, etc.

However, I notice that the website says regen50 is really great for improving prostate health in men and women so I am going to buy myself a box and let you all know whether I grow one 🤣🤣🤣

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 06 Jan 2023 at 22:04

Jason7 has registered today and this is his first and only post. I've reported to moderators.


Posted 07 Jan 2023 at 00:02

Since the spammed product contains a 5𝞪-reductase inhibitor of unknown strength which will invalidate any PSA tests, no one should be going anywhere near it.

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