Thanks for the support, firstly it has been a long day, the total round trip was eight and a half hours for a twenty minute consultation. Fortunately the twenty minutes was with the consultant I wanted to see and who has been realistic and gives me some reason to be cautiously optimistic.
He has suggested a change of anti spasm medication and a bladder function test to establish exactly what is happening. Depending on the outcome of that there was talk of botox injections into the bladder and possible bladder augmentation using part of the bowel, he even spoke about urethral reconstruction that had previously been dismissed.They are all more appealing options than bladder removal, but I am well aware that may be the ultimate solution.
I don't think the hyperbaric oxygen treatment is making any difference apart from giving me toothache and causing my slight hearing problems to get worse.
I am considering an alternative treatment but I won't go into that, if it helps I will let you know.
The PSA reduction is obviously a step in the right direction. CJ you are quite right, four and a half years of treatment and about twelve months of discomfort or pain takes it toll mentally and physically. Lynn ,how do I feel about the plan ? disappointed it wasn't implemented by my local hospital last year,
Having said all that I am still here and still moaning, and the ******* train only had two carriages instead of four again.
Thanks to you all Chris