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Bladder Spasms

Posted 23 Jul 2016 at 16:29

Hello everyone,

My name is Andy, i am 52 and had radical prostectamy the middle of April. my first follow up showed i had a psa rating of 0.01

I returned to work after 5 weeks and was riding my motorbike (as advised by my Nurse)  20 minutes a day until my surgeon told me to stop using it until 12 weeks after surgery as it would slow down the healing process. 


In the middle of June i started to get regular stomach pains every day , i thought i was getting Diverticulitis attacks as i suffer from this condition, but these usually last a couple of days. My GP kept putting me on antibiotics and my nurse just said take anti inflammatory tablets as maybe wounds not healed. 

Then this Friday morning i had an attack that was so bad i called an ambulance(and was refused one) as i nearly passed out , the pain  was indescribable but  was all around the pelvic bone region. 


I got a cab to the hospital who ran blood and urine samples with no results .


They felt it wasn't diverticulitis but bladder spasms related to the removal of the prostate.My penis also regularly feels like it is swelling and is very painful and i also get pains similar to the pain after i had the biopsy on my prostate.i am also going to pee a lot as i get the pain in my bladder and very little is there. I have been put on Sildenafil for a month am told it will kick in after a few days and stop the spasms.  i hope as i had another attack last night which lasts about 30 mins and wipes me out, i feel i might have to sign off sick because i cant afford to have one of these at work. 


I just wondered if anyone else has experienced pains this late after surgery as it seems strange to happen now?


kind regards,



Posted 23 Jul 2016 at 19:47

Anyone able to advise Andy?

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 23 Jul 2016 at 20:23

A few days after my da Vinci the wife did call an ambulance as I was in agony with stomach / abdominal pain. I got a paramedic followed by an ambulance, the paramed gave me 30 mg morphine and I had a trip in an ambulance to hospital, after five or six hours I was discharged no longer in pain with the words "we never find the cause of abdominal pain in 30 percent of emergency patients".

I think mine turned out to be constipation and I have never had the same level of pain since, that was over two years ago. My bowels have never quite got back to my pre-op days and I frequently get mild constipation and moderate abdominal pain.

You mention swelling of the penis, how often and at any particular time or event ?

What sort of surgery did you have ?

I was given oxybutynin for bladder spasms.

Good news on the PSA.

Thanks Chris

Posted 24 Jul 2016 at 21:45

My hubby gets terrible bladder spasms, around 9.5 on the 1-10 scale. He has a supra pubic catheter which is the main cause, he was given that due to chronic urine retention on NYE this year. Whenever the catheter is changed, he has an infection or is constipated (which is a regular occurrence since a recent bout of radiotherapy to the prostate to try to prevent kidney failure) he gets them and sometimes for no reasons at all. He takes Solefenicin and Bettmiga to prevent the spasms, mind you he still gets them even with these drugs just not as bad. He has the most awful pain in the perenium area, mainly the urethra and where it passes through the various organs. His urethra is totally blocked by strictures and tumours so not surprising. So why are you getting this pain? Have you got an infection? Speak to your GP or practice nurse asap and maybe consider if you need to see a urologist.

The pain is horrible, so you have my sympathy.

Best wishes


Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 07:36

Hi Andy
I am coming up to 14 months post op and can honestly say I've not had a pain free day yet in the bladder area. This sometimes spreads to feel like stomach ache aswell. Every filling of my bladder hurts and every wee hurts after all this time. My surgeon and GP have put this down to " adhesions " whereby whilst you are healing certain parts become attached to each other , whereas they normally slide over each other. There is nothing they can do about it and it can right itself apparently over a long period. I can be in a lot of pain in the morning when I need both a poo and wee. Something definitely ain't right down there. You have my sympathy.

Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 13:31
Hi Chris and Devonmaid,

Sorry to hear about your situations, my situation sounds very similar to your Chris, my last 3 attacks have been after ive been to the loo, I couldn't go to work again today as I was doubled up for over an hour this morning and I then sleep for hours afterwards. The a@e ran full tests no infections, im trying to get an appointment with urology at the moment.

I am a little concerned I may have caused this riding my motorbike, only 20 mins a day , I havent used it for weeks now.

Btw I had a radical robotic prostectamy.

Hoping both of you see and end to this horrible pain.

Thanks very much,


Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 14:08

We did have a member who went touring Europe on his motorcycle not too long after his RARP, I do not recall him having too many issues. Hopefully Sildeafil will cause swelling of the penis, but without any pain. If you read my profile you will see I have had a few issues. My painful and swelling penis was a result of a punctured urethra and only happened when passing urine. Hem-o-lok clip migration is quite rare but mine started causing issues three months post op but was accompanied with water infections,but it could be a possible cause of spasms.

Hope your appointment comes through quickly, we are lucky to have a team of Uro/onco nurses we can ring any time and get a reply the same day or next working day.

Thanks Chris

Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 18:29
Thanks Chris, I brought my dream bike to chear myself up , so just looking at it as dont want to aggrivate it any further. Hoping it kicks in tomorrow day 6 of tablets.

Kind regards,


Posted 25 Jul 2016 at 19:18

The main issue with motorbike riding too soon after the op is the strain on your still healing stomach and pelvic muscles, which were cut during the op. So the problem is only likely to be down to getting on your bike too soon if you have a particularly heavy bike. John has a Harley and it was about 4 months before he could safely hold the weight of it. Depending on what you do for a living, I would be more concerned that you set back your recovery by returning to work too soon - or did you try to drive a car at 5 weeks? Pulling on the steering wheel xan out a lot of tension on abdominal muscles.

Did the hospital check whether you had popped something? Hernia is a significant risk after RP or as Chris says, this type of pain can be down to adhesions.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 19 Sep 2016 at 20:53

HI All,
i just wanted to thanks you all for your advise previuously, i just wanted to let you know the hospital did an MRI scan, it showed no complications with my prostate surgery, but my divirticulitus disease has got worse, so this is whats causing the pain. i have a date of Dec 2nd to see the specialist, so its just a case of pain management in the mean time. Worse case i will have to have part of my bowell removed, but that is if they cant manage my pain properly.
went back on the bike for the first time last week and no pain, so i think it was sore due to the operation, 6 weeks off it did the job.
i went for my second PSA meeting today, its gone up from 0.01 to 0.03, so i will start hormone treatment soon the RT.I was warned i had a 70% chance of it rising, i was just hoping not after 5 months,
Once again thanks for all your advice.

Posted 19 Sep 2016 at 22:09
Hi Andy

Very interesting reading this. It got me thinking what happened with me. I think I passed a hem o lok clip. Something until now I had no idea was used. Maybe they don't in UK. I hadn't thought or asked about the detail of stitching repairing etc.

The only reason I knew is I kept a note of the amount of urine and clarity . As you do !! So peed into a glass jar. I was passing for about 2 weeks after I had catheter out. I noticed a very very small . About 1mm . I could hardly see it. I didn't keep it. At the time I thought maybe just a piece of bladder lining or similar, I never passed blood.

About 30 seconds later. Crippling pain. Never had anything like it in my life. As another posted states. Yes 9.5 out of 10. Perspiration pouring off forehead and shaking. I was in house alone and no position would relieve it. Thankfully it very slowly subsided after about 3 minutes.

I just found this ..


I did go to A & E later that night. However it disappeared as quickly as it came.

Posted 27 Sep 2016 at 23:08
hi Rob, very interesting story as well as incredibly painful for you. I will bear this in mind although everything is pointing to diverticulitus at the moment.

thanks for sharing.



Posted 28 Sep 2016 at 23:31
Hi Andy

I've been thinking of you as we are going through recovery from John's ureter reimplntation op because his spasms are once again excruciating, some of it is due to the kidney stents and some due to having two catheters. He's also passing loads of so called kidney sludge. It's much worse when he hasn't been to the loo or if he has wind so the bowel does have a huge impact on the pain. I hope they can do something for you. For us, it's a case of waiting foe the stents to be removed in about six weeks or so and managing with the help of tramadol in the meantime

Best wishes


Edited by member 29 Sep 2016 at 08:59  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 29 Sep 2016 at 07:26

Hi Andy

Will you be having another PSA test before starting further treatment? A rise from 0.01 to 0.03 is not significantly high and could be a minuscule fluctuation caused by a number of things

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