Hello everyone,
My name is Andy, i am 52 and had radical prostectamy the middle of April. my first follow up showed i had a psa rating of 0.01
I returned to work after 5 weeks and was riding my motorbike (as advised by my Nurse) 20 minutes a day until my surgeon told me to stop using it until 12 weeks after surgery as it would slow down the healing process.
In the middle of June i started to get regular stomach pains every day , i thought i was getting Diverticulitis attacks as i suffer from this condition, but these usually last a couple of days. My GP kept putting me on antibiotics and my nurse just said take anti inflammatory tablets as maybe wounds not healed.
Then this Friday morning i had an attack that was so bad i called an ambulance(and was refused one) as i nearly passed out , the pain was indescribable but was all around the pelvic bone region.
I got a cab to the hospital who ran blood and urine samples with no results .
They felt it wasn't diverticulitis but bladder spasms related to the removal of the prostate.My penis also regularly feels like it is swelling and is very painful and i also get pains similar to the pain after i had the biopsy on my prostate.i am also going to pee a lot as i get the pain in my bladder and very little is there. I have been put on Sildenafil for a month am told it will kick in after a few days and stop the spasms. i hope as i had another attack last night which lasts about 30 mins and wipes me out, i feel i might have to sign off sick because i cant afford to have one of these at work.
I just wondered if anyone else has experienced pains this late after surgery as it seems strange to happen now?
kind regards,