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cyproterone acetate

Posted 17 Sep 2016 at 11:47

Hello again 

I saw my surgeon recently , he still sees me six monthly three years on which puzzles me slightly though I much prefer him and his team to the oncology gang who I find impersonal and wishy washy . I have been on zoladex for over two and a half years and for the foreseeable future . While discussing side effects , particularly my running hot and flushes he said oh we can fix that with a six week course of cyproterone acetate . Apparently it is having only a small amount of testosterone that causes the problem and if there is none at all the flushes / heat should cease . My main concern is not wanting to exacerbate existing side effects or trigger new ones . He says that this is unlikely as I have most of the side effects already ! 

My question is has anyone out there had experience of this treatment , did it work , were there any adverse consequences etc..?

Also has anyone tried bitter apricot kernels in their fight against the cancer , I have heard some very encouraging stories about it . 

Thanks guys 

Posted 17 Sep 2016 at 12:35

Neville, if you want to take the risk of treatment with cyanide, which is what the active ingredient of bitter apricot kernels converts to in your body, be it on your own head. I wouldn't touch what I regard as quackery with a bargepole! I'll stick to clinically proven treatments and I recommend everyone else to do the same.

AC in Northants

Posted 17 Sep 2016 at 18:37

yeah,keep away from apricot kernels.

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