I became aware of the "add Aspirin" trial, and liked what I heard, so I made enquirers for myself, only to learn that I wasn't deemed suitable to participate in the trial.
However after significant reading up, I became convinced in the fact that taking daily Aspirin could have something to offer in reducing to chances of a re-occurence.
After initial disappointment at not been allowed to participate in the trial, I started to have some concerns as I hadn't liked the idea that I wouldn't know which arm of the trial I might have been allocated to, and I wouldn't have wanted to have been allocated to the placebo "reference" arm, so I started thinking about my own "private trial" by just taking a daily Aspirin through my own personal choice.
I have discussed using daily Aspirin with both my Oncologist and my GP, who both had similar opinions, and who have both advised me that they see no harm in my taking a daily LOW dose (75mg) daily, however both did have some concerns about taking the larger 300mg dose that could have been on offer in one of the other trial arms (their concerns were related to gastric stomach issues !).
It's far too early to comment on any benefits, and I may never be able to say if it ever changed anything for me, but I can state that after my first month I have not had any adverse effects through taking a daily 75 mg Gastro-Resistant Enteric-Coated Tablet. (Not much more than 10p/week self purchase through £1 shops).
My personal opinion is that there is probably a benefit to be had, as there is fairly widespread comment that Aspirin can help, and that there must be something in it to have made the add Aspirin theory worthy of being officially trialled.
My advice to others would be to read up for yourself (an Internet search for "add Aspirin trial" will locate some very interesting reading), any if you like what you read, then print it off and take it with you and go talk it through with your own Oncologist and/or GP. (your Onco and/or GP might not be fully up to speed with the trial and the potential benefits).
I liked what I read & after Onco/GP consultation I am self medicating 75mg daily & I am convinced it's the right thing for me to do.
Hope this helps others