As all ready said it is early days, some guys are dry from day one I was originally almost dry from day four but subsequent procedures left me incontinent on three or four occasions,so I know how you feel.
You talk about returning to work the info on this site says two weeks if you have a non manual job, four to six weeks for a manual job. I think most of us agree that is being optimistic. I returned after four weeks be was confined to the office for the first two weeks. Your employer has certain obligations "by law" to help your situation, you are classed as disabled at the moment under the equality act. Most of us would not like to start quoting regulations at the boss but it is there as a lever. I told my boss I would be off between two and six weeks because that was the info I was given at the time and he was fine with that.
If you are urinating frequently but small amounts your pads should cope with the amount you are leaking. I put a pad in my snug briefs stood in the shower and let the bladder empty to see how well it coped, it gave me the confidence to get out and about knowing the pad would easily asborb my leak. At times I have dropped 170 ml in one go and it has all been contained. I would put some toilet paper in a nappy liner and position that between the penis and the pad to soak up a small leak, that way you can change the toilet paper and you are not walking round in a soiled pad. The tenna2 pads do have good odour control.
If you have not already done so download the toolkit, there is some useful info on dealing with incontinence and employment issues.
Are you drinking enough and drinking the right sort of fluids. I was recently told drink two to three litres of water on top of any other drinks. I was also told to avoid caffeine fizzy drinks etc, and to avoid drinking caffeine after 3 PM to aid a good night's sleep.
I had the same doubts about having treatment as you, but two and half years on despite my complications and not being out of the woods yet I am glad I gave myself the chance of a cure.
All the best for your recovery it is early days.
Thanks Chris