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Need your advice

Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 18:59
Hi my husband went to GP with stomach problem had an ultra sound which showed an enlarged prostrate. He had two psa tests both came back 10+.There is prostrate problems in his family.

He had referral 10days later and he is having an MRI on Saturday. He is to have a biopsy too. We are going away mid Dec and cConsulrant wants to do it after we come back mid Jan. As there is a risk of infection he doesn't want to take a chance.

Although he has no real symptoms water works etc, sex life is nil, he says he feels ok gets tired easy he is 68.

Are we doing the right thing by delaying biopsy and going away, we are going to see our son & his family and new grandson.

Any advice my husband is worried but not letting on.

Thanks. Tricia M


Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 20:14

Hi Tricia,
Sorry you are here, welcome.
You can only go with the advice of your consultant, we are all different with our Prostate cancer. Generally a month either way will not affect the outcome. I ended up waiting a year as my first biopsy missed the cancer. My outlook is good (finger crossed) even with the wait.
This can be a slow process, try not to worry, (that's stupid because you will) and enjoy your holiday.
A PSA of 10+ is not necessarily cancer, but will need investigating, do not assume the worst.
Have a virtual hug.

Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 20:28

Hi Tricia,   don't worry about a delay your going to get used to it, just go away as planned and enjoy yourself there is plenty of time to research and decide when you are back.

Good luck and my very best regards to you guys

life's a b****- then you die!!!!!
Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 21:10

Absolutely right to go for your holiday and see the family and to deal with whatever this is when you get back. Don't forget to tell your insurance company though as failure to disclose he is having tests will make his insurance invalid

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 21:19

Hi Tricia.
A difficult one as I don't want you to worry but neither do I want you to make a decision based on PSA level. PSA level is not an indication of the aggressiveness of PCa. Some as I will have a PSA under 10 yet still have the aggressive version (Gleason 8 or above). Two risks of a higher grade are family history possibly no sex life. However even that version is normally slow growing. Biopsy is a valid Infection risk so you would have to tell insurance company facing a hike in premium. It would be useful if you could have MRI result before going away or not decsion is made but I guess time is running out?


Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 21:56
Thanks Lyn,

All takes some working out in the mind are you making more of it than necessary.

Or dismissing something that serious. It's been a whirlwind of emotions.

Thank you

Tricia M.

Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 21:59
Hi Ray

Thanks for your advice it's good to hear other people's look on things. Will see what happens after MRI and maybe speak to GP next week.

Tricia M

Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 22:00

Hi Tricia

I'm a little ahead of your husband - I have had all the scans and biopsy. My last PSA was 72 but it looks like that may be an anomaly as it was pretty consistent for the last 7 years, and I'm re-testing over the next two weeks to see if it has returned to a lower level. I do have PCa, Gleason 3+4 T2, and I met today with the surgeon to discuss prostatectomy. We have a holiday booked in February and I told the surgeon I would wait until after the holiday. He agreed that would be fine - in his words "it's a slow growing cancer".

As other people will tell you, it is different for each person and you have to make the decision that is right for you. 

Good luck


Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 22:00
Hi Ray

Thanks for your advice it's good to hear other people's look on things. Will see what happens after MRI and maybe speak to GP next week.

Tricia M

Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 22:24
Thanks Chris, yes everyone is so different the prostrate is enlarged, but because my husband has no real symptoms.Hehad gone to the doctors for heartburn and stomach related problem, they did ultra sound and he'd already had. a blood test coming back high which was repeated.

The doctor wanted a referral within two weeks. 10days later we had one to see consultant yesterday.

My husband says he's not too worried as he feels well ,his dad had prostrate trouble. and died of cancer but we don't know if it was related as they didn't talk about such things that generation.

Also his grandfather again don't know much.

Anyway thanks for your reply.

Tricia M.

Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 23:12


Did you mean that having tests but not informing insurers would invalidate just 'travel insurance' (assuming this was taken out), or might affect driving cover? I did tell my car insurers and they didn't seem interested unless my GP said I should not drive. The medics said I should not drive for 24 hours after anesthesia for template biopsy, so I did not do so even though I felt I could have done.

Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 23:21

Hi Tricia

I was in a similar position 'ish' as had a funeral to go to in UK a fair distance away. I assume you are going 'abroad'  4 weeks ish.

In my humble opinion do get MRI done, and ask, that is; if you want those 'results/indications'.   Then again, you may prefer to wait. Without the biopsy any diagnosis is inconclusive.     I was fortunate, although uncomfortable; post biopsy with driving a couple of days after and bowels were not great either, although had complete control.  I passed blood for some days.   Fortunately no infection at all.  However if anything untoward develops you do need easy and quick access to the medical system.   Hope this helps.   Enjoy your family holiday.


Posted 24 Nov 2016 at 23:22

Sorry Manwith, no I meant that they will need to inform their travel insurer as he will be in between 'concern' 'awaiting tests' and 'diagnosis'

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 25 Nov 2016 at 08:02

Hi we were I a similar position this time last year ,psa 23 we were given an app within 10 days to see the consultant.After the examination OH was told a biopsy was required due to what was felt , so booked in for a few days later ,we informed the Dr that we were going on holiday at the end of week ,his reply was the results would be there when we returned .The day before the biopsy a nurse phoned to ask usual med questions and on finding out about holiday strongly advised putting the biopsy off until after hols as we were travelling to the Amazon and if any infection occurred we would struggle to get medical help .we went away and tried to enjoy holiday as best possible .
As for insurance we phoned and told them OH was having tests and nothing was yet confirmed ,they noted it down but it didn't push price up .
Best wishes Debby

Posted 25 Nov 2016 at 09:35
Hi Debbie, l understand the position you were in. We are going to the Middle East although we are going to family.

At time of booking tickets l didn't do insurance intending to do nearer the time, obviously none of this had come to light in sept.

I will of course tell insurance but husband hasn't really got any symptoms. If things comes to the worst at least things are treated early.

It's still not sunk in it could be bad news, if that's the case l hope they will let us know after MRI.

I don't know how long before the results are ready after MRI.

IM Sure if anything they will get in touch. If need to cancel his health comes first although the family will be disappointed. We will have to see.

Tricia M

Posted 25 Nov 2016 at 11:36

Just to re-iterate what others have said, I had a PSA count of 11.5, but no sign of any problem with my prostate . A digital rectum examination showed the prostate as normal, this was followed by a MRI scan and template biopsy neither of which showed any signs of cancer. I have since had a follow up PSA test (6 months after the first) and the count was 6.9, still high but moving in the right direction.

We are all different, so I not saying that your husband will be the same, but I wanted to share my experience with you.

Posted 25 Nov 2016 at 11:42

Thank you for replying that's reassuring. My husband has an enlarged prostrate and l think with family history they are just being careful. Which we do appreciate.
Yes it's amazing how everybody is different.

Tricia M

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