In the immortal words of Victor Meldrew-“I cant believe it”!! So, I had my PET-CT scan/ bloods on/around 16th, Sept, and all ok for Lutetium treatment. (Due to start 09/10/19.), However following another routine blood test on the 29/09 prior to my monthly Zometa infusion last Monday, my kidney function, via my creatinine level has risen outside of the normal range for the first time in over a year? Creatiine level now 151? So obviously when I spoke to the specialist in Windsor yesterday he wants to put the treatment on hold till I get this kidney problem sorted. So last Monday following a discussion with my local oncologist, (as this problem seem to have manifested itself over the past two weeks). it was decided that I should have a specialist kidney CT scan today, ( Thursday 3/10/19), followed by another blood test on Friday, the results of which will be assessed both locally and in Windsor on Monday.
These results will then determine wether treatment will be delayed or not, because as explained, Lutetium does put extra pressure on your bone marrow and kidney functions, so both need to be in good shape before starting. My only concern now is that as I had a regular anemia blood transfusion session yesterday, how much, if any, will that effect today’s scan and bloods tmos?
Anyway, I ll keep you all informed of progress as/when applicable.
Keep the Faith