Had bloods today for chemo on Monday, but as my Hb was down to 68 and I’m pretty breathless if I exert myself, then I’m having a transfusion tomorrow with further chemo postponed until my bloods get back to near normal. PSA up 300 to 1807. Whilst my ALP, which is a better marker for my bone related issues, is down another 102 to 242, so something is going in the right direction.
However, it never rains but pours in that for about a week I’ve had blurred vision in my left eye. So I went to the opticians on Tuesday, they did a comprehensive eye health check which indicated 4 areas of blood build up in the back of my left eye, including one in the centre which is the one that, when I look at someone’s face I see it through a red mist? There was also 1 area of concern on the edge of my right eye. They immediately referred me to the ophthalmic Dept. At my local hospital and at 4-30 on Tuesday I had a phone call asking me to attend at the hospital midday on weds. Yet again fantastic service from the NHS!!
Anyway I duly attended and was subject to another barrage of eye tests, which confirmed the opticians findings, however they did add that the cause of the problem could well be my chemo and tablet regime? So they’ve put me on eye drops twice a day till the 18/09, when everything will be reviewed again.
I mentioned this to my oncologist today who agreed that it could well be down to the chemo, (17 infusions so far), So she has postponed my next infusion due on Monday until after the 18th. Sept.
Anyway as usual I ll keep you updated as/when applicable.
Keep the Faith