Just been googling and found some very interesting if a bit confusing facts so there’s some light at the end of the tunnel albeit a long one
“ Intraductal carcinoma of the prostate gland (IDCP), which is now categorised as a distinct entity by WHO 2016, includes two biologically distinct diseases.
IDCP associated with invasive carcinoma (IDCP-inv) generally represents a growth pattern of invasive prostatic adenocarcinoma while the rarely encountered Pure IDCP is a precursor of prostate cancer.”
It seems only 43% of 39 consultants agreed which cells were IDCP
Then there’s
“Ductal Cancer which is a Variant of prostatic adenocarcinoma,
ductal refers to phenotype ß Intraductal
Growth pattern of adenocarcinoma
Not a variant of prostate cancer ---ductal refers to location (within ducts)”
WHO uses 3 codes for this. Confused...
I’m hoping for Pure IDCP