Dear Carol
It is such a shock to get the cancer diagnosis and then when you are at a point of despair, you are given a choice of treatments. It is so difficult to take it all in and this is a position that a lot of us on here have found themselves in.
We see the Consultant and expect him or her to TELL us what to do.
It seems in prostate cancer that this is not the case as there are several options of treatment ( which is good news really!) but you have to weigh up the pros and cons of each depending upon your own personal circumstances including the stage of the illness, the likelihood of successful treatment, your husbands age and overall health, his family history and the thought of how he will deal with the side effects.
There is so much to read on each treatment you should start with the toolkit on this site or ring one of the nurses to talk through the options.
I know that you want someone to tell you what to do! All we can do is advise as to what we all did, but every man is different.
Lots of things to think about:
Could your husband cope with a major operation? Is he fit and well enough generally.
Is he working - how will this be organized around treatment?
Do you have grandchildren? ( with certain treatments like brachy children can't sit on your knee as it MAY affect the child)
Has Radiotherapy been offered?
So much to co spider, I don't want to confuse you more.
The good news is that treatment is available, and there are options. Try to see this as a positive and set some time aside to do your research. The tool kit I mentioned is a great start.
You can get it on this site online or ask them to send it to you via the post.
All the best