Hi Pen
Sorry to hear your dad has to wait so long for a scan. My husband is 66 yes old. 4 years ago he was diagnosed with pc, Gleason 9 PSA 150 he was told by urologist it was too advanced for radiotherapy and incurable and beyond surgery he was put on 3 monthly prostap injections and the urologist led us to believe he may have six months of life.
4 years on it has now spread to the bone and he is on enzalutomide, his PSA has gone up and down over the years and I know how this feels to be waiting for blood test results and the hospital visits which for us are now 4 weekly are stressful but I have to say we have managed to have four years of wonderful holidays, great times with our grand children which we thought were not going to happen.
Hot flushes, fatigue and emotional moments, along with the obvious end to the physical side of our relationship have all been hard to cope with but with lots of love and support it can be done.
I come on here now and again for support myself and there are men who have lived with this for ten years or more, try and stay positive. We try and focus on the many things we can do rather than those which we can’t.
My husband has had a designated oncologist from the very beginning and she is wonderful, we stopped seeing the urologist 3 years ago as he interfered with the treatments our oncologist was giving out. She has been so positive from the word go and we have our own specialist nurse too.
Hope you can soon get some peace of mind, I’ve learned from this site that PSA fluctuations don’t always spell very bad news if that makes sense. We are waiting at moment ourselves on a possible scan as my husband has seen a rise in PSA from 7 to 13 in 8 weeks so I know how it feels with the worry.
Best wishes to you .