Bluetrew, my experience which others have found was that taste buds were unaffected during the docetaxel infusions. I tended to be in the chemo suite around lunch times and I was even happy to eat the cardboard sandwiches brought round!
I was able have have only six cycles of chemo because it caused multiple embolisms in my lungs, showing as breathlessness in the fourth cycle, getting worse subsequently, being put down wrongly to fluid in my lungs. In view of your husband's lung problems, I would advise being very watchful for this arising in his case. If it arises, get a scan done and I expect he would take blood thinning medication to deal with the issue. It is a known side effect of docetaxel but occurs rarely. I was just unlucky. While it lasted, the chemo was very effective in bringing my PSA down and got rid of mets including one by my airway into my lungs, so I would expect it to work against the lung mets.
Good Luck