I am shocked that you referrered to Professor X as a “rogue”. My Consultant here, Mr Morbid, mentioned X’s name as a leading surgeon during my post biopsy follow-up. I realise there are PR people involved, articles in the press and private clinics with private operations at £15,000-18,000 a pop.
But the registrar who did my template biopsy said he will become a consultant next month, no doubt carrying out prostatectomies shortly after. Who would you choose (if you had a prostate)?
I must say when Her Loveliness had her menopausal difficulties we again consulted a “leading” gynaecologist, the former Head of Birmingham Womens’ Hospital several times privately. When it came to a total hysterectomy, I told him the name of the surgeon here in Coventry randomly allocated to carry out the surgery on the NHS, he said “He’s a good guy”, which was good enough for us.
And so it proved. She was in and out in under 48 hours and NO bleeding.
So the fact that a peer said the equivalent of “X is a good guy”, is good enough for me.
Time will tell if I’ve backed a loser.
Thank you for your devotion to this community.