Hi there
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in April 2016
I was immediately started on Hormone injections
I had 37 session of external beam radio therapy in August/September 2016
I was seen by a doctor at Christmas 2016 my PSA was 0.3
I saw my consultant onco in April 2017 my PSA was 0.2
My next appointment was April 2018 when I saw a doctor, not the consultant. My PSA was 1.2 ..... the doctor has booked me another appointment in 3 months time. In truth I could not really tell what the doctor was saying other than he needed to see if my PSA continues to rise. I did ask about fatigue as I have noticed that the hills are getting steeper and I queried why I had not been tested for 12 months but I might just as well have been reading the football results as I got no response.
Should I be concerned?