Big day tomorrow - I get the results of my template biopsy. I’m hoping it’s found more active cancer than the Gleason 3+3 that the TRUS showed up, because I really need something to be found to explain my PSA of 32.
A question for our experts: I’ve had an MRI skeletal scan to look for bone mets, which came back negative, but is it possible that my high PSA could be due to mets that are too small to show up on a scan still? I’m a little worried, because although all the scans I’ve had have shown no sign of cancer outside the prostate - no spread to the lymph nodes and no bone mets - what’s been found so far really doesn’t fit with my PSA score. I’m praying that I really do “only” have localised PCa and not something more advanced.
I don’t know what will happen after tomorrow - I guess I’m likely to be referred back to the oncologist to discuss treatment options? It’s been more than three months since my initial PSA test - would be nice to hear someone talking about treatment!