Tony has now had 3 lots of chemo out of a possible 10, first 2 he didn't seem that bad, no real side effects apart from tiredness and a bit of soreness in the groin area, since the 3rd infusion he seems to be getting more and more fatigued.
I am used to going in with Tony for his appts but am not allowed in with him while he is having his chemo and he has not seen his oncologist since he started this, he does not listen to what they say to him in the unit so I have no idea if he is telling them how he is feeling etc, his stock answer is i'm ok.
I do not no if it is the chemo or his kidneys causing the extreme tiredness as he is aenemic due to the kidneys or if he is depressed (think it could be that) He is seeing his renal specialist next monday so may get some answers then.
Merry christmas and happy new year
regards barbara