Well, this wasn’t in the plan...
A couple of weeks ago I had an abdominal CT scan as a routine follow-up to the nephrectomy operation where I had my left kidney removed (following my prostate MRI showing I had an unrelated kidney tumour) last year. I heard nothing from the hospital after the scan so I breezed into the consultant’s room today assuming I’d be told all was well.
It didn’t go exactly like that.
What my consultant has said is that the scan showed “a mass” near to where my kidney used to be. The radiologist has said that this is most likely to be an benign “fibrous mass” - basically scar tissue from my surgery - but he can’t rule out the possibility that it’s a tumour. My consultant said that he’d put the probability of it being a tumour at “1%”, but “just to rule it out” he wants to do another scan at the end of August and see if the mass has grown or shrunk.
I know that I need to put it out of my mind and just get on with my life for the next three months, but, gosh, I can’t help worrying about it. Does anxiety about cancer recurrence ever go away?
My consultant did say that when kidney cancer spreads it normally shows up in the lungs, and the scan showed absolutely nothing there. He also looked at a scan I had in November and the same “mass” was visible in that scan, and the radiologist didn’t comment on it then. So just an ultra-cautious radiologist this time?
Heck, I really hope I’m not in for more cancer diagnoses. I’ve really had enough of that.
Not a very happy,