Hi Barry,
Sorry you still have some incontinence 11 months after your op. I think I have been very lucky in that regard.
My post-operative biopsy found some spread outside the prostate capsule, but four PSA tests since then have been ‘undetectable’. However, here in Coventry they only test down to 0.1, and if it’s less than that it doesn’t count. So for all I know, mine might be creeping up like yours! Ignorance is bliss.
Both my surgeon and local oncologist said not to bother about any reading less than 0.2, but I saw a VERY senior prostate cancer oncologist last week at the premier cancer hospital in Britain, and he said I should try and find somewhere that does super-sensitive assay down to the nth degree, as it seems your tests are.
But then he said, even if I find a minuscule rise such as you are experiencing, I should avoid any HT or RT treatment for as long as possible, if ever.
He said the next step would be some kind of scan, whether Choline or PSMA to see if any metastases are visible on one. He told me I would not die of PCa - he wasn’t Mystic Meg - and indeed the Sloan Kettering Nomograms confirm it, prognosticating a 98% chance of survival for fifteen years or more.
If I were you I wouldn’t worry, but then I’m not!
Best wishes for the future.
Cheers, John.
Edited by member 06 Nov 2018 at 15:29
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