Hi grocer jack, I'm one week post op (da Vinci) - I found my catheter far more troublesome than the post op scars - tenderness. I also experienced mild leakage - especially when on the loo. However panicked completely yesterday when I experienced two bleeds from my penis ( around the outside of the catheter tube) - this followed by a relatively large and scary looking blood clot emerging from my penis ( and around my catheter tube). Being a bloke, I panicked completely and contacted the ward who told me to come in so the doctor could check it out. A 100 mile round trip to be told all was normal they felt, and the bleeding could be due to trauma during the surgery, or a result of chaffing of the catheter tube within the penis. They did some tests and found a very mild uti - so now on antibiotics. Another bleed today, but not so worried now having received reassurance from the doctor. I hope you are now a little more reassured about the leakage issues you were experiencing. Personally, I can't wait to have this thing out next Monday !. Wishing you a merry ( and comfortable) Christmas.
a quick update for anyone struggling with the catheter: mine came out on weds this week ( 4 days ago) - i was worried sick this was going to hurt, but it was really strsightfirward with only mild discomfort experienced for a few seconds. what surprised me was that the constant pain i had experienced during the 3 weeks the cstheter was in dissapeared immediately - such a relief !. i'm now starting the long slow recovery and resting at home - a short walk each day ( which i simply could not manage with the catheter in) and a diet of daytime TV. the most difficult aspect is remembering not to lift / reach / stretch or generally over do it. i seem to have been lucky and to date have been continent..... though when the urge hits to "go", i cant hang about. sleeping so much better to, though still having to make 4/5 trips to the loo through the night.
Edited by member 06 Jan 2019 at 14:27
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