Consultants would love more time to spend with patients, but that's just not available (even in normal times). Appointments (at least in a couple of hospitals I know well) are 15 mins before your main treatment, and 10 mins after your main treatment. That includes the dictation time to update your notes and write your GP letter.
I was lucky in that my diagnosis hospital had a couple of urology CNS (Macmillan nurses) who could spend time with patients, but now that I'm involved with supporting more patients and at more hospitals, I'm aware there's a massive shortage of urology CNS, so that support isn't available to many patients. (And in this coronavirus era, many CNS's have been moved back onto coronavirus wards, as they will mostly have done ward work in the past before specialising).
A couple of consultants picked up on me being what they call an expert patient, and asked me to lead a support group session. I picked one of the topics which I had researched very well for myself, because no one told me anything about it, Surviving Hormone Therapy. This went so well, they've asked me to do it again for newer patients coming on to hormone therapy, and I was just starting to run them every 2 months when coronavirus reared its ugly head. This gives patients a whole afternoon to discuss the topic. I'm really pleased to be able to contribute back, and as this developed into something more than just a single support group session, I got access to consultants so I can ask questions and get them to review my materials. I'm hoping to get back into this after the lockdowns. (I'm going to test it out as a Zoom session for one of the local support groups.)
I know of prostatectomy classes run by some hospitals so do ask if there's one at yours. My hospital did a radiotherapy class, but didn't previously have anything for hormone therapy. I know more hospitals are now looking at running hormone therapy classes (or were, before coronavirus).