Ah well, life moves on and some things become totally irrelevant. My PSA suddenly lifted up to 13.7, my relationship and sex life ended, therefore time to have surgery on 25th April 2022. It went as well as could be expected. Incontinence cleared up after about 2 months, erections are still poor but serviceable!
I am now in a new, very active and beautiful relationship (lucky me). But, and it is a BIG BUT, my PSA has doubled every 3 months: 0.025, 0.05, 0.14. This means that I will cross the threshold in 3 months time. A terrible disappointment. I have not had a discussion with my surgeon or team but it is likely I will need salvage radiotherapy this year.
Despite the disappointment, I have moved on. Emotionally, I am solid. I am doing fantastically well. I started a daily gratitude meditation and practice about 8 months ago. I built a powerful and incredibly positive mindset from this foundation of gratitude. My heart feels open. I am a more loving, compassionate and generous person than I was a year ago. My life feels better than ever. I have so many opportunities to enjoy this beautiful life.
If anyone is interested here is a link to the meditation that has helped me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfD4HaBBc0I&t=1s&ab_channel=JessicaHeslop-ManifestbyJess
I wish all you men strength on this challenging journey.