Ref your comment 'symptoms don't appear until it's advanced'. It's not true.
The only symptom you've mentioned is urine hesistancy. That only suggests something might be wrong and it could be several other things. It's the same with most symptoms. The only thing that proves a case is the combined results of several tests coupled with a skilled interpreter. Sometimes several skilled interpreters.
My GP can read the psa results from the local hospital that he refers to and you might try there although getting through after the holidays might be another matter. I had the operation at another hospital and he can't read results at that one. Results normally come through the same day also the person at the GP will likely know nothing about what the result means except a general note the GP has written for all psa tests. At the hospital they might give you more information although it might be based on the usual and not absolutely your case.
I had a biopsy which hardly showed anything at all, just one needle found it on 5% of the sample, then they booked me for an MRI and Bone scan on the same day only 4 days later. My psa wasn't that high either.
Try not to get ahead of the situation, diagnosis is a very worrying time. All the best, Peter
Edited by member 27 Dec 2020 at 16:09
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