Hi all
MRI scan carried out to the pituitary gland and brain yesterday. Good news they found a "brain" but no evidence of any cancer or overactive activity to the brain/pituitary gland. So good result there.
Spoke to epicrodogolist who has set me up today for a 2 hour blood test, they are almost sure the overproduction of Cortisol in my body has been created by PCa, R223???, so I've been pumped full of Daetatoxomol over the past 2 days to counterbalance the cortisol. The test should be later today then 7 - 10 days for results. Woke up with a Guerilla hand due to steroids, bloody massive.
Blood test will hopefully get to the root cause so we can get cortisol under control to prevent any organ damage. Oncologist is also back on the case but i won't be diving into any other treatment at the moment. I found a website which lists all the side effects from R223 and it makes you wonder why an Oncologist wasn't too aware of same when I aske questions way back in November when I started to really get these side effects then. Who knows????.
Problem is I can't get home till BP comes down to at least 150/?, presently at 180/?. Been told maybe Saturday if all OK and outpatient next week for BP checks. What I would say is invest in a BP monitor, although some people may become obsessed with if but used properly it is a good wee tool. I checked into hospital with a reading of 229/92, heart attack stuff according to the hospital.
Hardest part is being away from family with no visitors. Not even allowed outside the ward due to Covid security but it has to be done.
Will update when I know more.