I found some really helpful info regarding penile implants on this forum however I wanted to explain my journey and ask anyone a few years after implant if things change.
Firstly, I understand everyone’s experience is different and I am not advising anyone not to do it but I gotta say my implant surgery was the worst pain I have ever witnessed , just to paint a picture I am a fit 4 times a week gym goer and runner in late 50’s.
Having said that at around 7 weeks after surgery I am happy to report we have managed to achieve sex - which at the end of the day was always the goal but it has come at a cost , as briefly explained by my week by week journey below :
After Surgery
Week 1 to 5 , periods of excruciating pain like a 9 to 10 out of 10 (with pain killers)
Always feeling a bit sick which is difficult to explain but I put it down to the implant . Constantly on loo when I got home but no infection .
Week 5 to 7 pain eases a bit but is still present .
Always feel a bit sick along with upset stomach .
When I started using the pump i noticed the implant is more difficult to operate than I was led to believe and I can feel the pump inside my testicles most of the time which is uncomfortable .
Week 7 to 9, Penis and testicles still feel sore and occasionally my buttocks hurt which UCL nurse said was something to do with pump pushing against me however I foolishly didn’t question her more on this. Still feeling sick along with upset stomach.
Going into week 10
Find it difficult to sleep as the implant is sometimes really uncomfortable at night .
I still require pain killers to ease pain from my penis and testicles area but the pain is not constant however today is a particularly horrible pain day along with pain in buttocks , the sickly feeling still present , loads to ask at next UCL appointment . After work just wanna go bath and bed in hope it’s feeling better tomorrow - going gym feels like a lifetime ago .
I am ok doing lighter duties at work and pain is not as noticeable in daytime when I am mobile .
I find warm bath is easiest place to deflate and to ease discomfort .
My length looks bigger than it was after
Robotic Prostatectomy (but not before) and despite the pain I can now get an erection whenever I want.
My question is to any guys out there who are a few years or more after implant - does the pain and discomfort go away and at what point .
It was wonderful to be able to achieve sex again after many years but for me the discomfort isn’t worth having this inside me unless I know the pain will eventually go away - and gotta admit at this point sex is last thing on my mind.
Advice from longer term implant patients and others would be kindly appreciated .