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At last, my penile implant

Posted 08 Jun 2022 at 21:35

Evening all.  After 2 years of waiting, my penile implant is being fitted tomorrow at UCLH.  I'm a bit apprehensive, but am glad the day has arrived.  I'll keep you all updated as to how things go.

Posted 26 Aug 2023 at 10:35

Some of you have asked for an update now that the implant has been in use for a year.

My penis is shorter and less girthy than before surgery and salvage radiotherapy.  That's obviously not the implant's fault.  The penis itself though looks natural.  You wouldn't know by looking at it that there is an implant inside it.  Touching it, it is obvious but not off-putting.  I really don't like the pump part that sits between my testicles.   It is bulky and heavy.  You use it to inflate and deflate the device.

I think the design of the pump part of the device could be improved.  Maybe not.   I wonder if eventually a smaller, less obtrusive pump could be designed. 

An app based device could be interesting.  You may not need a pump if the app could somehow release the fluid from the reservoir.

My orgasms are a bit harder to achieve than with the Invicorp injections but that's not a huge problem.

Orgasms are not as sensitive.  With Invicorp, I had excellent dry orgasms.  With the pump, most orgasms are good, some are excellent. Maybe it's an age thing, but I am only 53.

Imagine this.  If I had been able to get as many Invicorp injections on prescription as I wanted, and if I could have injected myself as often as I wanted and if the injection lasted more than 45 minutes (with many men it lasts longer), then I think I'd prefer Invicorp to the implant.

The implant works well for me and I'm reconciled to it, not overjoyed with it.  It's a pity that there isn't a man on here who has a much more positive view of the implant, as I wouldn't want my experience putting anyone off.

But if you want a guaranteed erection, the implant will do that for you.  

Posted 31 Jul 2022 at 19:03

I know it will get easier, but the device takes some getting used to.  It's not easy to use.  Easier to inflate than deflate.

Flaccid penis doesn't feel quite natural.  You can feel the implant.  Erect penis feels natural.

Pump in the scrotum is quite heavy.  

I imagine in a few weeks it'll all be alright and I'll be confident in using it.  It makes me think of my first driving lessons and my driving today.  I will make progress.

It is nice though knowing that I can now have an erection when I want one, for as long as I want.

Posted 05 Nov 2022 at 12:55

5 month update

Think carefully and do your research if you are considering an implant.  I'd probably do it again, but I do have reservations.

The pump mechanism in the scrotum is hard and heavy.  I really don't like it.  I'm sure they could design a more modern, less heavy pump.

The inflate/deflate mechanism is tricky to use.  It is not as easy as turning the lights on and off.  Once again, I wouldn't let this put you off getting an implant, but the demonstrator model they show you at the hospital is easier to use than the fitted implant.  You need to be aware of that.

My penis has lost some sensitivity.   It's got plastic bits in it and tubes.  It does still work though.  I still have good dry orgasms.

I can have an erection when I want.

Deflation doesn't always work as well as it should.  I run around with a semi most of the time.

The head of my penis doesn't plump up as well as it should.  The hospital prescribed muse gel to put in the urethra.  Immediately the pain was intolerable.  That was why I had to move to invicorp.  I wonder does invicorp have a pain free urethral gel.

So, not 100% happy.  Just wanting to be honest.  There are improvements to be made to this device.

If I could have had unlimited invicorp injections I would have stuck with that.

In the absence of a more satisfactory solution, this is a good solution, but not a brilliant one.

Posted 01 Apr 2023 at 16:19

All my scans have been done.  No explanation as to why I peed blood but nothing wrong with the implant and no kidney or bladder cancer.  Good news.  They said most likely a one off experience 

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 15:43

Back on the ward.  All went according to plan.  Can I just say, the staff here at UCLH have been phenomenal.  Truly the loveliest people around.  I am so lucky to be in their care.  Pain under control too.

Posted 28 Jul 2022 at 19:50

Launch day.

Operation was a success and we had lift off.

The device is fiddly to use.  It's gonna take a bit of practice.

Penis length and girth reduced, but I'll work with that which I am left.

Posted 14 Jun 2022 at 08:16

I took a selfie of my scrotum. 

Oh my goodness.  The bruising in my perineum is extensive.  It's no wonder sitting down is a bit of an issue at the moment.

Not feeling so brave now, but still no regrets.

It's gonna be worth it all.  Imagine, an erection on demand, unlike my 4 standard issue NHS provided erections per month.

I'm bad.  I'm sore and I'm thinking about my penis.  Men, eh????

Posted 11 Jun 2022 at 19:46

Third night in hospital.  Scrotum full of old blood that isn't draining quickly enough.  Hopefully get home tomorrow.  No regrets.  

Posted 15 Jun 2022 at 11:17

I'm home.  Sore and bruised.  Hope all this proves to be worth it.  I'm sure it will.  I do think I've turned a corner.  Follow up next week.  I'll let you know what the doc says.

Posted 22 Jul 2022 at 00:57

The LNER train guard once had to close off a whole carriage to the rest of the passengers while I stripped naked and had gel smeared on me by the buffet car man!

I also once was running for a train (late as usual) and my very beautiful (aka expensive) stilleto heeled shoe fell between the train and the platform. Before anyone could blink, a total stranger dived down under the train and reappeared holding my shoe aloft like the Olympic torch. Guard was not happy :-/

I really like trains!

Edited by member 22 Jul 2022 at 00:58  | Reason: Not specified

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 22 Jul 2022 at 21:23

We missed an opportunity.   We should have organised a Mill on the Soar event and held the launch there

Posted 03 Aug 2022 at 12:08

Still good (dry) orgasms.  A bit harder to achieve but that's not an issue.

And yes, I wear supportive briefs.

Posted 04 Sep 2022 at 09:11

Thank you so much Ulsterman for your wonderful resilience, both in terms of all the pain and discomfort and also staying with this thread and keep us all informed throughout your huge investment and the literal ups and downs that came with it. I admire the way you keep your sense of humour throughout! And big thanks for all the information - real live stories unfolding somehow teach me more than reading up dry summaries online.

So glad your implant is giving you something that is much more fun than cycling!!!

Posted 04 Sep 2022 at 10:55

So, it's been almost 3 months since the implant was fitted.  What are my thoughts?

The invicorp injections I used only produced an erection for me of 45 minutes.  I couldn't use 2 injections on the same day.  To me, this wasn't giving me enough control over my erections.

I was officially only get to get 5 injections per month on the NHS.  That just wasn't enough.

When I used Invicorp, my penis was still very sensitive.  It is definitely less sensitive with the implant.

When I used invicorp it was easy to reach orgasm.  With the implant, it is a bit more of an effort.

I'm still struggling with inflation and deflation.  Nowhere near as problematic as at first, but it's not as simple as 'press here'.  I have a telephone consultation coming up.  I'm going to ask for it to be changed to a face to face appointment and ask them to check if the implant is working properly.  I think there's quite possibly something wrong with although it's most likely me not getting to grips with it.

The implant section in the scrotum is bulky and heavy.  I think they could really improve on the design.

I think on reading this you can tell that I am not 100% happy with the implant.  It is better than the injections overall, but if there had been an injection that acted say more like cialis, I think that would have better.

I suppose what I'm saying is that the implant does it's job but it's not a perfect solution.  I think it's design could be improved upon.

I don't think I have regrets but I am somewhat disappointed.   It is definitely the best solution for my circumstances but not the perfect solution.  That doesn't exist yet, I know.

What would be useful would be to hear from men a bit further down the road than me who are happy with their implants.  I don't want any of my reservations or experiences to put anyone off, but do do your research if you're considering this operation.  

Edited by member 04 Sep 2022 at 11:10  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 08 Nov 2022 at 23:20


I underwent a 3 piece implant around the same time, and will agree on the points that there are significant lifestyle changes that come with it.

You now have a completely lifeless appendage that does ‘show’ and have to think of containment, because it is uncomfortable and now un-natural for it to hang left or right (or upright). It does not shrink much from the pumped position. (Presumably it is not quite as bad as the malleable implant, which I discounted for that reason). 
As the Americans say, be proud and show it!

It is otherwise undetectable unless with intimate touching, and my wife says no different during sex, so happy days.
I was also not advised on how it would all feel but guess the surgeons don’t ask their patients as I have not had any direct contact since the operation and hopefully do not expect any.
There are many different pumping techniques/ instructions on use online, (1 or 2 handed, 1 or 2 thumb etc etc). More than one possible way works for me each time.

My pleasure has waned over the passing years, so no significant impact there.

Pleated, rather than fitted/regular trousers now hang in the wardrobe, as do spandex running shorts combined with longer tops. Totally different ‘separating’ underwear and new swimwear often described as gay interest and meaning more room in front! No hiding this package on the beach!

There really was not enough post op education or information from the teams involved on reflection, but I had researched comprehensively and am more than happy with the result, but it does matter how strongly prepared you are mentally, and able to accept and adapt with the results. Hopefully through more than one revision.

Either way, it’s dramatic losing your prostate or having significant ED and I consider myself lucky to have had the uneventful operation free, after being told my trust did not fund such operations. 


Posted 26 Aug 2023 at 22:25

The implant won't cause you to lose length or girth.  Whilst waiting for the implant, you should use a vacuum device to help preserve length and girth.

I have been told to look after the implant but it is pretty robust.  I've never hurt myself using it.  And, if someone was a little rough during sex, you'd be OK.  

Posted 11 Nov 2024 at 22:13

I found some really helpful info regarding penile implants on this forum however I wanted to explain my journey and ask anyone a few years after implant if things change.


Firstly, I understand everyone’s experience is different and I am not advising anyone not to do it but I gotta say my implant surgery was the worst pain I have ever witnessed , just to paint a picture I am a fit 4 times a week gym goer and runner in late 50’s.


Having said that at around 7 weeks after surgery I am happy to report we have managed to achieve sex - which at the end of the day was always the goal but it has come at a cost , as briefly explained by my week by week journey below : 


After Surgery 

Week 1 to 5 , periods of excruciating pain like a 9 to 10 out of 10 (with pain killers)

Always feeling a bit sick which is difficult to explain but I put it down to the implant . Constantly on loo when I got home but no infection . 


Week 5 to 7 pain eases a bit but is still present . 

Always feel a bit sick along with upset stomach .


When I started using the pump i noticed the implant is more difficult to operate than I was led to believe and I can feel the pump inside my testicles most of the time which is uncomfortable .


Week 7 to 9, Penis and testicles still feel sore and occasionally my buttocks hurt which UCL nurse said was something to do with pump pushing against me however I foolishly didn’t question her more on this. Still feeling sick along with upset stomach. 


Going into week 10

Find it difficult to sleep as the implant is sometimes really uncomfortable at night . 

I still require pain killers to ease pain from my penis and testicles area but the pain is not constant however today is a particularly horrible pain day along with pain in buttocks , the sickly feeling still present , loads to ask at next UCL appointment . After work just wanna go bath and bed in hope it’s feeling better tomorrow - going gym feels like a lifetime ago . 



I am ok doing lighter duties at work and pain is not as noticeable in daytime when I am mobile . 

I find warm bath is easiest place to deflate and to ease discomfort .

My length looks bigger than it was after 

Robotic Prostatectomy (but not before) and despite the pain I can now get an erection whenever I want. 


My question is to any guys out there who are a few years or more after implant - does the pain and discomfort go away and at what point .

It was wonderful to be able to achieve sex again after many years but for me the discomfort isn’t worth having this inside me unless I know the pain will eventually go away - and gotta admit at this point sex is last thing on my mind. 

Advice from longer term implant patients and others would be kindly appreciated . 

Posted 10 Jun 2022 at 12:21

Just got a shock.  I'm not allowed on a bike again.  It could damage the implant.  They didn't tell me that before.  I used to do a lot of cycling.......but I like sex better than cycling so I would still have gone ahead with the operation.

And despite the shock of this news, these people here at UCLH are absolutely outstanding.

Posted 06 Jul 2022 at 00:32

No, it is usually an inflatable tube inserted inside the penis with a control switch in the scrotum. It can make the penis hard enough for penetration. See here - https://www.universityurology.com/erectile-dysfunction/penile-implant/

There is another type which rather than being inflatable is like a rod with a hinge half way down. you fold it down when you don't need it and fold it up when you want an erection. The problem with that type is that there is no increase in girth, just a flaccid penis with something like a pencil running through the middle.

Generally speaking, penile implants are a risky surgery which a man needs to consider very carefully; if it goes wrong, there is no possibility of erections in the future.

Edited by member 06 Jul 2022 at 00:33  | Reason: to activate hyperlink

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 06 Jul 2022 at 07:36

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

May I ask why you went for penile implants? Is it an artificial penis and you have to repeat the surgery every so often?

I went for the surgery because I am relatively young, 51.  And you only get 5 invicorp injections per month on the NHS.  5 erections per month.

My recovery has been deeply unpleasant.  Slow and painful.

I don't activate the pump until 27 July.  Only then will I know if it really works.  If it all works well, then I'm sure I'll say the pain was worth it

Posted 21 Jul 2022 at 18:38

Well, who would have thought that the RMT would prevent me getting my erection?  The launch date has been postponed because of the rail strike.  I can't guarantee I can get to London and the hospital can't guarantee all their staff can get in.

I'll keep you all posted once launch has been achieved.

Posted 22 Jul 2022 at 07:36
I think Lyn has been dreaming again! I certainly will now!

Was it a Pendalino? Cross country? Or an old (comfortable) Inter City? If you are going to do train porn you have to give us all the info!

Posted 22 Jul 2022 at 11:53

Two different trips. I believe that in both cases, the train would have been an intercity 225 as the Azuma had not been released then.

Totally naked ... had to take my shoes off so they could remove my trousers!

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 22 Jul 2022 at 13:59

Oi you guys.  Start your own thread.  Imagine if my mummy reads about naked women on trains lol

Posted 22 Jul 2022 at 16:10
Sorry Ulsterman.

Just to reassure your mum, I had been scalded by a woman passing me with a boiling cup of tea which she then tipped over me. The gel was burn gel to minimise the damage.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 22 Jul 2022 at 18:03
Lyn, my mother is much relieved on 2 counts. One, that you don't seem to be permanently injured and two, that you're not part of Dave's train fetish.

Dave is disappointed, naturally.

And my mummy.....well, now she wants to know what an AMS 700 is. I told her it's a new train we have in England that isn't operational in Northern Ireland. She said, 'Ah.'

Now that's all settled, let's get back to my penis, please.

Launch date has been rescheduled for 15.30 on Thursday of next week. The nurse specialist at UCLH phoned me and said she didn't want to delay the launch any longer. I've waited 5 years 7 months 2 weeks and 6 days since my surgery.

Posted 22 Jul 2022 at 18:18
All making me laugh guys !!! πŸ˜†

I hope this β€œ launch β€œ isn’t going to affect the global weather system mate. I don’t want any phallus-induced clouding ok.

Good luck 🀞

Posted 22 Jul 2022 at 19:12

I wonder if Andy can organise a zoom meeting for the launch so we can support you. 

Thanks Chris 

Posted 03 Aug 2022 at 11:03

The ups and downs of the implant.

It is such a relief and a pleasure to be back in control of my erections after almost 6 years.  Compared even to Invicorp, the implant is great.

I don't like the feel of the implant in my scrotum.  It's far too heavy.  I'll just have to learn to live with that.

My biggest problem is with deflation.  I'm finding it quite awkward.  But getting there.

Getting the implant fitted was a big decision.  I was worried about whether I'd made the right decision.  One week after launch date, I'm happily in orbit.  

We're getting there.

Posted 03 Aug 2022 at 11:47
Hopefully they’ve saved all your sensation to reach orgasm ??

As for the weight of it , ever since my surgery I switched from boxers / trunks to normal pull-on underpants. They support everything nice down there. Are you wearing these ? Good luck

Posted 03 Sep 2022 at 16:51

wow, you have been through the ringer!

I had my implant on 16th August 2022 in Bristol, only after extensive research, and have an excellent outcome and only slight irritation from placement of the reservoir, after being released the following morning.

An initial pumped up erection for 6 weeks is the only interesting aspect so far. Going forward I have purchased a selection of underwear recommended to give room and support for the artificial enhancements.

There is a huge amount of information on franktalk (USA) about everything  ED and more, including tablets, injections and implants.

take a look at this series of blogs by one of the American top specialist surgeons.   https://peritourology.com/meet-the-penis-episodes/

The one thing that is always pushed is ensuring a higher volume surgeon is used.


Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 21:19

My doctors were most insistent about cycling.  I'm not to do it.  Horse riding is out, too, as are roller coasters.  Basically, you have a mechanical device in your scrotum and anything that could damage it is not recommended.  I used to do coasteering and enjoyed jumping off cliffs and waterfalls.  I think that's probably out, too.


As for your penis looking like a marshmallow on a stick.  An erect penis is better than one which doesn't get hard at all.  My penis has changed its appearance.  Being honest, I used to love my penis and was proud of it.  Now, I've got something that works.  That's all....it works.  I couldnt say I'm proud of it anymore. This disease is brutal.


Have you tried invicorp injections?

Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 22:57

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I thought 3mths post prostectomy was too soon to be thinking penile implants and looking to have an election?

You are correct but JDHD said he had pre-existing severe ED, so that will explain why he is already on the waiting list.

Posted 21 Jan 2023 at 14:51

Did you attend a pump clinic? The main rings used are the Surefit semi-transluscent silicone rings. They come in 3 sizes, X, Y, Z, with a Y being supplied with the pump and a pack of one of each usually also prescribed separately. You may need to use 2 rings (they'll tell you while they're demoing it on you). They should have shown you how to take the rings off, but in particular, you don't try to drag them off an erect penis which would likely do you some harm. It can be difficult to grip the tabs if there's lube on them, which there usually is by then.

Posted 03 Mar 2023 at 18:39

Hi Andy, thanks to your suggestion I decided to retry the Soma pump and have recently received an advice session from the Soma rep which has really helped. Several years ago I was handed a Soma pump by a urologist without any suggestions on how to use it. Consequently, I didn't put the rings in hot water to stretch them nor shave my groin, or remove the rings by pushing my fingers under the ring. Due to this several of the rings just snapped, the ones I used were too large to keep the erection and removal of the rings was painful, so I gave up. The advice I received was spot on and I can now maintain an erection using the medium tension rings for the first time in five years. Thanks again.

Posted 10 Mar 2023 at 18:05
Sorry to hear this Ulsterman, hope it turns out to be nothing serious.
Posted 02 Apr 2023 at 15:43

I'm not 100% sure the implant can be removed.  It's an expensive and specialist procedure to start with.  If you did have it removed, I don't think injections could be used to give you erections.  But I'm not sure.  I was told it's pretty much irreversible. 

To be fair, the MRI of the implant showed it is fitted properly.  It may not have been the cause of the bleeding.

I wouldn't let any of my experiences put any man off having the implant.  It is an imperfect solution but does the job



Posted 22 May 2024 at 00:52


Pumps used regularly are good for maintaining and possibly even restoring some lost length. I wonder if it would be a good idea to use one for a while before you are measured up for the implant?

Posted 22 May 2024 at 06:46

Simon, I'd try invicorp injections first if caverjet isn't working as well.  I'm not sure about the question on length. 

Show Most Thanked Posts
Posted 08 Jun 2022 at 22:21

Wishing you the very best of luck for tomorrow ulsterman πŸ‘

Posted 08 Jun 2022 at 22:49

UM , Hope all goes well.

Thanks Chris 

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 01:02

Best wishes for the op.

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 07:15
Fingers (and legs) crossed for you, my friend xxx
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 07:24
All ythe best with the op and outcome Ulsterman

Watching closely



Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 08:24

Thank you all.  Just waiting now to go to theatre.

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 08:27
Very best wishes!


Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 11:49

Fair play to you and good luck with the operation.  Here's wishing for a successful outcome 

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 12:58

Good luck. What a shame you can't post pictures on this site. 😝


Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 15:40

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Good luck. What a shame you can't post pictures on this site. 😝

 πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 15:43

Back on the ward.  All went according to plan.  Can I just say, the staff here at UCLH have been phenomenal.  Truly the loveliest people around.  I am so lucky to be in their care.  Pain under control too.

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 19:03
Great to hear it, UM. Hope you have a smooth recovery.

All the best,


Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 20:44
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 20:58

Great news, here's to a successful recovery. Agree about the staff at UCLH. I had my RALP there in February and had exemplary care. 

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 21:40
I had PET scans at UCLH. Cancelled on the day. They were just so thoughtful and kind as I sadly cried in the waiting room as I was away from my wife on her 50th birthday. People can be so kind yes !

Good luck and may all your courgettes be marrows. Very brave !

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 22:02

Good news, hope all continues to go well.

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 22:33
How does this implant work? A Smartphone app to control it? πŸ™‚


Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 23:40

I wish it were that simple

Posted 10 Jun 2022 at 12:21

Just got a shock.  I'm not allowed on a bike again.  It could damage the implant.  They didn't tell me that before.  I used to do a lot of cycling.......but I like sex better than cycling so I would still have gone ahead with the operation.

And despite the shock of this news, these people here at UCLH are absolutely outstanding.

Posted 10 Jun 2022 at 12:33

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
How does this implant work? A Smartphone app to control it? πŸ™‚


Don't forget the password, and don't share it with anyone else.


Posted 10 Jun 2022 at 14:44

I wander if you say with the right specialist saddle and keep away from the tight lycra or similar if they'd reconsider the cycling advice?

Either way yes sex over cycling any day.



Posted 10 Jun 2022 at 17:41

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
How does this implant work? A Smartphone app to control it? πŸ™‚


Don't forget the password, and don't share it with anyone else.


There is a manually controlled pump at the junction of my scrotum and perineum.  I wish it was controlled by an app.

And that's why cycling is out.  There is a danger the mechanism could get damaged.  They said the specialist saddles help with lrostate issues but aren't going to stop the implant damage.

It's not worth the risk.  But I never thought PCa would take cycling away from me.

In 6 weeks' time I can have sex at the touch of a button.  

Posted 10 Jun 2022 at 19:58

"Good luck. What a shame you can't post pictures on this site. 😝"


Can't he ?πŸ˜†

Good luck!!

Posted 11 Jun 2022 at 19:46

Third night in hospital.  Scrotum full of old blood that isn't draining quickly enough.  Hopefully get home tomorrow.  No regrets.  

Posted 12 Jun 2022 at 14:51

Wishing you well through the recovery period and when you at last get to use the device!

Posted 12 Jun 2022 at 15:01
Glad you're on the mend. Shame about the cycling, but as you say, a matter of priorities.

All the best,


Posted 12 Jun 2022 at 20:43

4th night in hospital.  Wound infected.  Ultra sound scan on scrotum tomorrow .  Feeling much better though.  

Posted 12 Jun 2022 at 21:32
Sorry to hear this, Ulsterman - hope it can be resolved easily and you are home tomorrow
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 13 Jun 2022 at 23:00

To keep you updated.  Night 5 in hospital.  My scrotum is as purple as the best plums you have ever seen.  It is swollen about 6 times its normal size.  Pain is managed, but only with morphine.  There is no infection, they have now concluded.  I had an ultrasound scan today.  The radiographer said the swollen scrotum was not as damaged on the inside as it looked on the outside.  The urologists feared a huge blood clot but that isn't the case.  There are a few moderate sized clots.  I'll find out in the morning what can be done, but the urologists have already said they do not want to go back in to drain.  It could compromise the implant.

I still have no regrets.  I think they'll sort this.  But I was warned not to enter into this surgery lightly.  They weren't wrong.

So battered and bruised but trying to be positive.

Posted 13 Jun 2022 at 23:32

UM, hope things start to improve soon, got say I admire your courage for having it done. Take care. Thanks Chris 

Posted 14 Jun 2022 at 01:10

Sorry to see this. Fingers crossed they will have you sorted very soon.

All the very best for a speedy recovery.

Posted 14 Jun 2022 at 05:57
Hang in there Ulsterman, hopefully it'll be worth it in the end.
Posted 14 Jun 2022 at 06:42

Sending best wishes, hope this gets sorted soon.


Posted 14 Jun 2022 at 08:16

I took a selfie of my scrotum. 

Oh my goodness.  The bruising in my perineum is extensive.  It's no wonder sitting down is a bit of an issue at the moment.

Not feeling so brave now, but still no regrets.

It's gonna be worth it all.  Imagine, an erection on demand, unlike my 4 standard issue NHS provided erections per month.

I'm bad.  I'm sore and I'm thinking about my penis.  Men, eh????

Posted 14 Jun 2022 at 15:39

I've got a great photo album on my phone of my perineum bruising after my template biopsy. Always a hit at parties!



Posted 14 Jun 2022 at 15:44

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I've got a great photo album on my phone of my perineum bruising after my template biopsy. Always a hit at parties!



I bet mine is worse.  We should compare.  I took a selfie this morning lol.  It is not a pretty site.

You know those paint charts you get from the DIY stores?  There could be a brand new colour - bruised plum


Posted 15 Jun 2022 at 11:17

I'm home.  Sore and bruised.  Hope all this proves to be worth it.  I'm sure it will.  I do think I've turned a corner.  Follow up next week.  I'll let you know what the doc says.

Posted 15 Jun 2022 at 16:39
Glad you're back home. Take it easy!

Best wishes,


Posted 15 Jun 2022 at 16:40
i didnt realise you were in hospital when you were giving me such sage advice.thank you ,hope you have all the luck in the world.and all your discomfort is forgotten in a haze of blissful activities
Posted 15 Jun 2022 at 23:53
Should have chosen the normal size implant and not gone for "hung like a horse" option!
Posted 16 Jun 2022 at 05:54

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Should have chosen the normal size implant and not gone for "hung like a horse" option!

But that is my normal size lol (I wish)

Posted 24 Jun 2022 at 15:32

15 day update

I was kept in hospital for 6 nights.  The pain was something else.  I had 14 doses of oromorph on top of my other pain relief.

Pain management has been difficult.  I found standing and walking very challenging.  Gravity is the enemy.  Your scrotum hangs lower and heavier with an implant in it.

Saw my surgeon 2 days ago.  The swelling and bruising is almost gone.  Not totally though.  But surgeon happy and feels that the surgery has been a success....I am a slow healer.

I have had moments where I seriously wondered if I had done the right thing.  Hopefully, as time goes by, it will prove to have been worth it.

The past two weeks have not been easy.  Other men may have had an easier time.  

One funny thing.  I asked the surgeon if the pump could be deflated as my two week erection was tired and sore.  I was told the pump was deflated.  I argued and said it couldn't be deflated as I was rock hard.  Surgeon had another rummage around and laughted.  Turns out I was deflated - my penis is swollen solid.  I was told not to worry.  I'll go flaccid soon enough.

Launch date postponed until end of July to allow more time for healing.

Posted 24 Jun 2022 at 16:58

Pleased you have kept you sense of humour. Is the launch being televised ? πŸ˜ƒ.

Thanks Chris 

Posted 24 Jun 2022 at 19:59
Christ I’m cringing reading this. Good luck mate honestly and hope it’s all worth it. I’m almost grateful I’m on HT now and not that bothered …..
Posted 05 Jul 2022 at 22:23

May I ask why you went for penile implants? Is it an artificial penis and you have to repeat the surgery every so often?

Posted 06 Jul 2022 at 00:32

No, it is usually an inflatable tube inserted inside the penis with a control switch in the scrotum. It can make the penis hard enough for penetration. See here - https://www.universityurology.com/erectile-dysfunction/penile-implant/

There is another type which rather than being inflatable is like a rod with a hinge half way down. you fold it down when you don't need it and fold it up when you want an erection. The problem with that type is that there is no increase in girth, just a flaccid penis with something like a pencil running through the middle.

Generally speaking, penile implants are a risky surgery which a man needs to consider very carefully; if it goes wrong, there is no possibility of erections in the future.

Edited by member 06 Jul 2022 at 00:33  | Reason: to activate hyperlink

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 06 Jul 2022 at 06:23

Thanks a lot Lynn. Wow, sounds like something out of sci-fi. Seems like it is still in its infancy and a relatively new procedure. 

Might consider if I was in my 30s/40s, but close to 60? Doubt it.πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Edited by member 06 Jul 2022 at 06:25  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 06 Jul 2022 at 07:36

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

May I ask why you went for penile implants? Is it an artificial penis and you have to repeat the surgery every so often?

I went for the surgery because I am relatively young, 51.  And you only get 5 invicorp injections per month on the NHS.  5 erections per month.

My recovery has been deeply unpleasant.  Slow and painful.

I don't activate the pump until 27 July.  Only then will I know if it really works.  If it all works well, then I'm sure I'll say the pain was worth it

Posted 06 Jul 2022 at 08:04

I wish you a quick recovery and all the best in your recovery. You are right 51 is relatively young. I am 57 with a wife under 50, consider myself young at heart. The longest I have been without sex is the 7weeks since my surgery. However, I am hopeful. Good luck and thanks for keeping us informed!

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