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Sharing Stories of Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer via videos

Posted 28 Nov 2022 at 14:46


Are you interested in sharing your story? Could you help us raise awareness of prostate cancer?

What we’re aiming to do:

Create a video series to share the experiences of people with living with advanced prostate cancer.

What’s involved:

We’d carry out a video interview with you discussing your experiences in a relaxed setting such as your home or a place you like to visit. We’d also film you doing a favourite hobby or carrying out your daily routine. If possible, we’d also like to speak to a close family member or friend to find out their views.

How long would it take?

Around 1.5 hours before the filming to discuss the project over the phone, and, if you’re happy to take part, complete a contract.

Filming will take around half a day.

After filming, we’d also like you to spend around half an hour reviewing the video to make sure you’re happy.

What if I change my mind?

We want to make sure that you feel comfortable and are fully involved in the making of the video.  No footage will be used without your consent.

DEADLINE Please express your interest by Friday 16th December 2022 to vivienne.beckett@novartis.com

CONTACT Dr Vivienne Beckett, PhD, AD External and Patient Engagement, Advanced Accelerator Applications (UK & Ireland) Ltd, a Novartis company



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