Hi all
Well, after all the waiting for test results, I guess my journey starts properly today.
Just back in from my 3rd urology consultation. It has been a different consultant each time and I have to say the doctor I saw today was brilliant.
Straight off, the moment we sat down, he said I can tell you that your bone scan is clear. Huge sigh of relief!
He then went through all of my questions, of which there were many, very patiently, thoroughly and clearly.
My initial feeling, since diagnosis, was to go with surgery. This was a 3 part decision (rightly or wrongly):
I had SRT to fall back on if required (contentious point to some I know)
It would be the quickest way to be declared “cancer free” so my inflammatory arthritis meds can be started again (paused if cancer present)
My family has a history of colorectal cancer.
However, I have thought for the last couple of weeks that my existing medical conditions (very large hiatus hernia and inflammatory arthritis) would exclude me from surgery. I discussed this with the consultant today and he put it in a way that I actually thought could be a good metaphor for life! He said:
”Don’t look at it like this, I’ll be excluded because of A, B or C. Look at it like - What do I want to do. Then we will pursue this route and if we hit any obstacles along the way we will deal with them as they arrive”
I’d never thought of it like this, probably because I am always guilty of overthinking and looking too far ahead. It made real sense and I instantly warmed to him. He was saying, tell us what you want and we’ll do everything in our power to make it happen. Brilliant, in my humble opinion, making me feel like a human being!
He spent a long time looking over the MRI and biopsy results while we were there and we discussed the pelvic pain that I’ve had since this started. In fact it was that initial investigation into suspected Prostatitis that has uncovered the cancer.
He thought there was a large possibility that some of the MRI regions could be inflammation rather than cancer. The largest suspect target area had 4 cores taken and 3 of them were Gleason 6 (3+3). He also said the MDT think that it is touching the capsule but not broken through it yet. Hopefully this is the case and if I do have surgery it will be clear margins all round π€
So, my wife and I looked at each other and could agree there and then that we would like to try down the RP route.
So he is writing to the surgeons hospital (Freeman, Newcastle) to ask to arrange an appointment with the surgeon and anaesthetist. Of course, they may say that surgery is unsuitable for me, in which case it’s back to Cumbria for RT but he explained this and we agreed that the RP is worth pursuing.
Instead of giving me the choice and just leaving me to it, in the dark, he did suggest that because of my age, RP would be what he recommended - if he had to.
If I come away from the pre surgery appointment and I feel it’s not for me then he will completely back me and as he said “we will always have another plan”
Also, this small wait for the surgery, may give gastroenterology time to get me in to see if we can fix the abdominal and bowel issues I’ve had for the past 12 months.
All in all I feel a lot more positive than I have done in the past 2 weeks since diagnosis, which has got to be a good thing surely?
So I think I’ve set off on my road and hope it all goes to plan over the coming months.
As Buzz would say…
To Infinity, and Beyond!
Take care all