I had chemotherapy in a similar situation to your husband. I had six sessions of Doxetaxel, which I think is standard. I actually tolerated it pretty well. I kept a written diary of my feelings and the effects I was experiencing each day. I have just consulted my diary from five years ago - the first couple of days after the IV I felt fine. Then from Day 3 - Day 9 or 10 I had aches and pains which were kept in check with regular paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Yukky mouth with a coated metallic feel. Not interested in drinking wine!! Just unpleasant but not really painful. Day 11 feel much better and thereafter until the next infusion, drinking and eating well. I kept up a walking regime of around 3-5 km a day, even though I felt utterly fatigued throughout the cycle.
I elected to have a cold cap during the infusion. It wasn't (only!) vanity - I just did not want to walk around with a bald head and for people who knew me to know I had cancer and to feel sorry for me. The cold cap worked and I kept my full head of hair but I only managed to survive it by taking heavy duty paracetamol an hour before it started. It was brutal (like eating very cold ice cream) but on balance worth it, just.
So, in conclusion. It isn't pleasant but it is bearable at its worst and there are days later in the cycle when I felt fine if very tired. In fact, I see we did two city breaks to Nice and Madrid during the good days towards the end of two cycle when you are less open to infection!! I am now 6 years post diagnosis still with an undetectable PSA and I have to believe that the chemo has helped.