I am 10 months post RALP surgery ( at UCLH - who were excellent).
I take 5mg tadalafil daily, do pelvic floor exercises daily and use a VED pump twice per week. I have been continent from the start.
My penis is shorter than before, I have much less nerve sensation than before, I do not get erections (I am mid 70s and didn’t get strong erections before), I can give myself dry orgasms (even though it still feels weird), I enjoy occasional sexual relations with a partner without intercourse (a 20mg ‘event dose’ of tadalafil does not improve things).
My question to you guys is :
1. Do I need to do PFEs forever?
2. Should I continue to take low dose tadalafil forever ?
3. Should I continue to use the VED pump (forever) ?
i.e. I don’t expect further improvement, but do I need to continue - to maintain my penile health and stop any deterioration (further shrinkage etc) ?
I would really appreciate any thoughts and experience, and thank you in advance.
I also thank this site. Before my operation I read every post to gain some understanding.