Hi Everyone
I thought I report the scores on the doors from our journey so far. My husband was 58 at diagnosis
Initial MPMRI PIRADs 5 16mm left central lesion. PSA 5:6
TP biospy
PCa confirmed 6 of 18 cores positive foe Gleason 9 left side only Initial stage T2b
Robotic Radical Prostectomy left nerve bundle taken.
July 31st
1st PSA test <0.01 🍾
Aug 14th
Meeting with surgeon
Prostate cancer found in both sides of Prostate
Gleeson 9 but minuscule amounts of grade 5 found mainly 4
Cancer extremely close to edge of capsule but contained no extracapsular extension
No seminal vesicles involved
No nodes taken
Very clear negative margins
No cribriform or Intraductal present
Stage 2c
Consultant feels very good outcome with a good prognosis (did discuss salvage Treatment in event of rising PSA)
This result is the most we could have hoped for at the beginning of the diagnosis where we had a very negative first consultant who made us feel this was a dire situation. Our second consultant now feels we should be very positive for the future.
I hope this post helps someone at the beginning of the journey or even someone who encounters a negative medic that even high Gleeson cancer is very curable and treatable
M x