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End of treatment

Posted 10 Oct 2024 at 22:59

Hi all,

Just an update since my last thread on Lu 177. That was suggested to my dad by his urologist, but he has since had appointments with his oncologist and another nuclear medicine consultant, and they assessed the treatment as inappropriate for my dad. He's had two PET scans, one in Sept and one just a few days ago.

They have run out of treatment options. My dad is starting to feel weaker and weaker, and he has pain in his hips starting up. He is 83 years old and they think he's reached the end of the road. No more treatment.

They have given him maybe 3 months to go.

All this is a terrible shock. He was in denial at first, and now he is coming to some kind of anguished acceptance.

It has been exactly 2 years since he received his diagnosis of advanced PCa with a Gleason score of 4+5. His PSA was sky high by that time, of about 1700.

I have to go and spend time with him, whatever is left. I am heartbroken.

I was hoping to post some positive news about Lu 177 but it was not to be. :-( Just brings home how important it is to savour every day and live to the fullest. Warmest wishes to all of you.



Posted 11 Oct 2024 at 00:09

I'm so sorry to hear that further treatment has been deemed inappropriate. My thoughts are with you and your dad.

Posted 11 Oct 2024 at 06:16

Hi Womble,

I’m so sorry to hear about your dad, I’m sure everyone on this forum will be thinking about him and yourself.  We are here for you and your dad is lucky having someone like you to be at his side. If you’re struggling, you might like to seek out support from MacMillans or Maggies.


Posted 11 Oct 2024 at 07:51

Hi womble 

I echo what the other guys have said and hope that the following months are as painless as possible for your dad.

Regards Phil 

Posted 11 Oct 2024 at 08:02
Hi Womble always sad to hear this sort of news. Some councelling would be good , especially if you have a hospice. I think it is widely known that the more a person can accept their demise then the less the suffering. My heart goes out to you.
Posted 11 Oct 2024 at 08:41
Having recently seen my lovely dad in the same situation with pelvic pain and loss of mobility and unable to accept the inevitable (both of us) my heart goes out to you both.
Spend lots of time with him as you say, also if he wants to remain at home, as my dad did, there is a lot of adaptations that adult social care can provide no one tells you about, not means tested. They come and do assessments and provide aids, and alarms etc. Hopefully you can get support from hospice too.
Posted 11 Oct 2024 at 08:57

So sorry to hear this news my heart goes out to you and your dad 

Best wishes 


Posted 11 Oct 2024 at 09:44
So sorry you are all having to go through this awful time…your remaining time together will be so precious for you, take care.
Posted 11 Oct 2024 at 10:26

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Having recently seen my lovely dad in the same situation with pelvic pain and loss of mobility and unable to accept the inevitable (both of us) my heart goes out to you both.
Spend lots of time with him as you say, also if he wants to remain at home, as my dad did, there is a lot of adaptations that adult social care can provide no one tells you about, not means tested. They come and do assessments and provide aids, and alarms etc. Hopefully you can get support from hospice too.

Seven years ago, I lost my dad to prostate cancer and reiterate all you say. He was adamant that he wanted to pass away at home. I was lucky enough to be able to move in and be with him for his final days. I organised help with social services and MacMillan nurses, who were magnificent. Unfortunately his condition deteriorated and  arrangements had to be made to move him into Hospice care. Whilst we were waiting for them to collect him, he got what he wanted, and peacefully passed away.

Unfortunately, I think Womble's dad lives abroad, so I'm not sure what help is available to her. Whatever, I'm sure the care and love that she has for her father, will be a great comfort to him.

Huge hugs to them.

Edited by member 11 Oct 2024 at 10:36  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 11 Oct 2024 at 15:53

Worried womble, I am sorry to hear this and send you my love . X 


Posted 11 Oct 2024 at 20:53

So very sorry to hear this, Worried Womble. My heart goes out to you both. I do hope he is well enough for you both to have some quality time together in his remaining months. Take care. 💕 x

Posted 14 Oct 2024 at 09:29

Sorry to hear your dads sad news, 

Gentle hugs Daveh

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