Hi Peter,
I'm waiting for my biopsy results, I had it on Tuesday the 19th so they're due in any time.
I know they said they ring me, but like you I didn't know whether they would tell me the results over the phone.
I rang the department that arranged my biopsy appointment to ask how they do the results and she said they'd ring to tell me the result was ready and arrange to have either a face to face or a phone consultation. Obviously I asked if phone was good news and face to face was bad but she said no, it's not like that, it's whatever they can offer really.
So they won't ring and tell me I've got cancer while I'm up a ladder clearing out the guttering lol
I'm not at all concerned about the results, well, I don't feel concerned. Worrying won't change what is happening and won't help my state of mind. I'm sleeping well, eating well and whilst I will be glad to get the result I'm not dreading it.
I think the word cancer just blows your mind, so many horror stories out there. I read a post the other day in response to someone who had convinced themselves they had cancer on the basis of a slightly raised PSA test. The guy said when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer he was so happy and relieved! He had lost friends to pancreatic and brain cancer and in his view at least he had something that was curable.
Try not to worry about the result or the time it takes, if you have PCa it's not raging through your body like a tornado, it's slowly growing and can be treated.
I think a lady earlier said waiting is the worst bit, once you get an idea what you are dealing with it gets easier.
Stay strong and be ready for what may or may not come next.