I have locally advanced prostate cancer which was diagnosed in Dec 2021. I had a month of intensive radiotherapy in Apr 2022 and I am about to have my last hormone injection. The paperwork I signed at the start suggested that the aim was to cure. Apart from a tumour on the prostate, there was a small spread to a localised lymph node and the neck of the bladder.
Other than 6 mthly PSA tests (which show as undetectable) no scan has been completed to identify if the tumours have been eradicated following treatment. I have queried this and been told that they don’t undertake scans post treatment. When I queried getting a private scan, I was told that if a scan brought any value then they would be doing it.
I have recently found out that a friend with prostate cancer has just finished treatment in London and received a scan which confirmed the tumours had been eradicated. I am now questioning whether I should get a private scan or press the local hospital to do one.
I am also a little concerned that as I come to the end of the hormone treatment they are proposing to reduce the PSA testing to every 12 mths ( protocol apparently). This seems a dangerous time to take this action especially as my cancer is quite an aggressive type.
I would be interested to know of other peoples experiences, especially in relation to the scan.
Colin V