Today I will be out fighting more red tape i am convinced all this admin is a ploy to divert your mind to anything other than the funeral service. I have lost count of the number of departments, banks,solicitors et al that want original certificates, death,birth x 2,marriage,decree absolute x2 and Micks will. The solicitors acting on behalf of our bank have posted this recorded delivery and it has not arrived 5 days later. They are trying to track it as i type. Who in their right mind posts a document that is unique and irreplacable by any means other than registered or special delivery. There has to be a simpler and less upsetting way of dealing with all this.
Plans for the service aee now complete, i did have an oh b.....r moment yesterday when i realised i had not been in to pay the disbursements how awful would it be if everyone was gathered and Mick was detained for late payment! His character and stoicism will be very clear throughout a service that i truly believe will do my funny,courageous and fabulous man proud.
For those attending see you all there.
I am doing ok thanks Lyn just keeping busy and getting through the 17 day wait