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Mick's day of reckoning part 2

Posted 17 May 2014 at 00:16

[This conversation is a continuation of 'Mick's day of reckoning' - You can see the beginning of this conversation in the archive area: http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/posts/t7775-mick-s-day-of-reckoning ]


Today was very busy, blood transfusion done, doctor and consultant update/visit, session with Macmillan nurse regarding advanced care plan to mention just a bit.

Careplan in action. target for homecoming is Tuesday. One elective thing could defer this and that is a possible move to a relatively new homecare product. It is called flexiseal and if we can get Mick accepted onto the programme it would reduce the bowel management considerably. Definitely more ship friendly too.

Mick is slowly perking up, this was a very bad infection and possibly not just UTI but he seems to be responding to aunty Bs.

Sat in his new wheelie for part one of blood transfusion and very welcome visit from Si Superman (his nickname does not do justice to the reality of his miraculous powers. )He kept Mick entertained whilst I went through a difficult conversation about things we need to start putting into plans. This resulted in Mick completing an advanced care plan tonight and early next week he will complete an advanced medical directive. He is so calm about all of this it is truly amazing. He is very clear about his wishes and our specialist Macmillan nurse thinks he is a true gentleman and hero. He is still joking and laughing even though things are obviously getting complex.

Finally got some medical support for the cruise, the youngest consultant on the team saw Mick today and thinks he should go to complete his bucket list, be aware of all the risks but have plans in place to deal with them, we assured him that we have and he is happy that if Mick stays as is or improves even further he is good to go. YAY best news so now we just have to keep him steadily improving and building his confidence in completing the trip.

He still has some problems but they will pale into insignificance if he can have 7 days on a ship he loves best (second to our friend's place in Georgia) with some of his best friends and a bag full of memories to bring home.

Thought this would be a hard place to be but it is actually all starting to fit into a very caring and hands on care plan.

Time now for me to sign out, have a glass of wine think of TG & Karen and their trip starting tomorrow, Si and his great results, Allison and John and their good news, Julie just because she is my SS, Fiona, wee wife Carol and Bri the perpetual worrier, Paul who seems to have turned a circle into a very big oval (love the cricket connection Paul) all the Newark gang and George who is probably losing weight trying to remember all he is doing for Leicester. Hope to see you all there




Edited by moderator 28 May 2014 at 10:27  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 00:56
Julie, I have always had that approach to housework ... and to cooking .... and to ironing. John was appalled that I had an article published in a national in which I mentioned that when visitors arrive I shove things behind the sofa. Not many people visit me anymore 💩

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 08:17
And on the cleaning note: Sorry to go off on a tangent Mo but couldn't resist

Three friends married women from different parts of the world...

The first man married a Greek girl. He told her that she was to do the dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple of days, but on the third day he came home to see a clean house and dishes washed and put away.

The second man married a Thai girl. He gave his wife orders that she was to do ...all the cleaning, dishes and the cooking. The first day he didn't see any results but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day he saw his house was clean, the dishes were done, and there was a huge dinner on the table.

The third man married a girl from Yorkshire. He ordered her to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed, and hot meals on the table for every meal. The first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything either but by the third day, some of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye and his arm was healed enough that he could fix himself a sandwich and load the dishwasher. He still has some difficulty when he urinates.


Sure Mick will appreciate that one x


Edited by member 01 Jun 2014 at 08:18  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 23 May 2014 at 00:07

http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-kiss.gif We can see that fat lady but she ain't singing yet !


second attempt ...


The last 10 weeks out of 52 have been a journey of some sadness, a little pain, some awkward conversations and through it all some very touching and funny moments. Mick now knows that he is literally on borrowed time but it does not stop him having some fun. On Sunday when it was a glorious day here, his fellow roomie at the posh digs (Eddie) invited his buddies over for an impromptu concert on the patio. 2 hours of old blues and singalong music led by our retired music teacher Eddie. All the staff joined in and everyone had ice cream cornets at half time. Mick was wheeled out in his bed sporting his neck ice pack and laughing at everyone that was dressed and sweating in the sunshine as he was totally commando and enjoying every moment of it. What goes on under those sheets stays under the sheets!

Monday morning Mick was still getting a lot of pain in his neck from the undiagnosed problem, he was also very fed up that he had felt the need to abandon ship on the cruise plans. I was relieved , although  I would have moved heaven and earth to make it happen for him  I was terrified that some silly thing that I had not got a plan for might crop up.  TG if you are reading this I hope I have saved you and Karen from waving at a bunch of total strangers as the ships cross in the channel on Saturday night!

Mick told the team at Drs rounds on Monday afternoon that he wanted to go through his advance wishes with the palliative care consultant and hopefully that would give him some clarity so that he could decide if he should go for the MRI scan and possible RT on his neck.

Tuesday morning the consultant asked Mick if he wanted to have this chat now and with me present or not… Mick wanted me there to ensure that there would be no ambiguity going forwards. He also wanted me to hear first hand what he had been mulling through over the last 24 hours. So I pulled up a chair and a box of tissues and placed myself just behind his line of sight so that he would not see if I was leaking .. Mick hates to see anyone cry and he himself has probably only cried twice in his life once after the ManUtd Munich air disaster and the second time when his beloved Nan died age 99.

So the questions started ..what can I expect going forward? Are there treatments I can refuse if I want to? Can I go home soon? Why is it that I feel Ok but everyone tells me I am very poorly indeed? Will you make sure I get back in here when the time comes? Etc. etc.  This was clearly going to be one of those elephant in the room days.

Some of the questions I expected, the answers we got were also mostly expected but some were not. It seems cancer has many endings and in Prostate cancer much depends on its progression path, extensive mets, brain lesions, soft tissue secondary disease etc. In Mick’s case he has been told that he can expect to get progressively weaker less interested in food, more sleepy and that at some point he will start to hear that fat lady singing (metaphorically speaking) the hospice will make sure that he is pain free and comfortable. At this point I think I was actually pinching myself so hard I was in danger of crying from self inflicted pain. The reason they are concerned for him right now is that his albumin (protein ) level is critically low so I whispered to him that he needs to eat more meat, eggs, cheese and fish ..so sorry Jane P but at this stage lettuce is probably not going to cut it.

Getting back to the original purpose of the session is it worth the MRI and RT?, absolutely not,  the transfer would be painful and difficult the MRI would be very uncomfortable and the RT may not fix the neck problem and could leave Mick unable to swallow at all …F..k that as Mr Connolly would say.

So Mick has elected to have anti biotics as long as he can take them himself for any future infection. A DNR is in place and he does not want to be given anything through a tube other than possible blood transfusions if they continue to help a bit.

Large elephant duly evicted.

Wednesday morning comes and I arrive at the posh digs to find Mick in a very lively and cheerful mood, he is bantering with the nurses and looking better than he has in days. The new system of giving him a very strong but short lived pain killer is making moving him pain free. He is using an experimental bed pad which allows a slide sheet to be in place under it so moving him about the bed is a piece of cake. He knows that Si superman is coming in this morning so he wants to get washed, shaved and in fine fettle asap. He has eaten a large fried egg on toast (sorry JP again) The doctors come to see him and he reports that the new pain management system is working well and that he feels good.

I tell Mick and the Drs/nurses about my plans for Mick’s sailaway party on Saturday, we will use the conservatory, have bunting, streamers and Mick can be taken in there either in his bed or in his wheelie (minus the back brace YAY) Karen, Mark and the mad hound will be there and we will ‘face time’ the gang on the ship. I am taking in Canapes and some fizz and we will all toast them off on the cruise. The gang will keep a live blog right through the week so that Mick can still feel involved.

Si Superman arrives and after 30 minutes of lively banter the therapist arrives and asks Mick if he would like any complimentary therapies, he opted for a manicure (not his scene at all) and an oily massage ..TMI for Si and I so we nip out for coffee. 45 minutes later a smiling and perfectly groomed Mick is waiting for us to re- enter his boudoir he seems to have enjoyed the pampering. A much better and far more cheery day.

Thursday morning and Cruise Plan B is activated. Leda and Stephanie flew in from Miami this morning and came straight up to see Mick so they could have a few hours with him and say goodbye to their lovely friend .. a lot of tears and laughter Mick did not flinch too much!! His neck pain has gone completely so clearly not another compression. All in all  a good call not to go for the MRI and RT. He has felt good all day and has eaten loads more today. I went to see Si, Ness and the girls after dropping the ladies off at Newark rail station and stayed to have tea with them, Nice Pizza Si xxx Nees and the girls.

Next Saturday the Californian contingency Chris, Anita and Gary will come up to say their goodbyes. This means Mick will still get to see all our American cruising buddies.

So many visitors lined up for the next 3 weeks we are going to be very busy .. Mick is looking forward to 2 new goals, being home end of next week and Leicester in 3.5 weeks time.

I am so very proud of my laughing, smiling and very loving Husband. And thrilled to have all of you as our friends



Posted 25 May 2014 at 19:46


There's not much I can add that hasn't already been said. You and Mick are incredibly strong people and I hope I can find the same courage when the time comes. Mark would be proud of you as would all our dearly departed friends. I hate this disease and the journey it forces upon us but you don't half meet some nice people along the way http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-smile.gif

Edited by member 25 May 2014 at 19:51  | Reason: Not specified

Nil desperandum


Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 04:34
When we were on our cruise🚢 I had breakfast☕️🍴🍛🍓🍌🍍 delivered to our stateroom (cabin). Putting the order out the night before together with the time required⏰ worked perfectly and about 5 minutes before breakfast was delivered they would ring📞 the cabin to ask if it was convenient to deliver it.

When I suggested to Karen that at home after preparing my breakfast she ring me in the bedroom from the kitchen to see if I was ready for her to bring it up, for some reason SHE WENT OFF ON ONE👹. Woman today, just can't understand them.😳

Life is for living

Barry (alias Barrington )

Posted 04 Jun 2014 at 00:02
I'm lost for words. I don't think even our wonderful language can express my admiration for you. I hope everything goes to plan and Mick's send off is everything and more he wished for.


Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 04 Jun 2014 at 00:34
Hello Mo,

Why am I not surprised, Mick quite rightly bowing out in the same great spirit that he enjoyed throughout his life.

I would love to be there but Karen will be working and in the evening we will be starting out on our way to Leicester.

Hopefully we will meet up then and I can see lots of hugs being given.

Stay strong but shed a tear if you feel like it Mo, remember all the good times you had together.

In my last couple of posts to you I have refrained from using my normal signature phrase but I'm sure both you and Mick welcome it's return as it is the way you lived,


Life is for living

Barry (alias Barrington)


Looks like it will be the Union Jack Waistcoat and bow tie 🇬🇧 for me Mo, not sure about the bottom half though!

Edited by member 04 Jun 2014 at 10:07  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 04 Jun 2014 at 22:58

Shorts might just be a stretch too far for me too .. linen trews sound good with flips and a nice T shirt ..My eldest sister who has always been a complete reprobate will probably wear a biker shirt, shorts and bobby socks ..kind of Olivia NJ in grease. Everyone seems to be getting into the spirit of this very casual theme. 

Went to see Mick today with Ness, had no intention of actually going into the chapel of rest, just to escort Ness. However once I was there it just felt the right thing to do...glad I did Mick really looks peaceful having a lovely snooze, arms across his tummy in his favourite T shirt and shorts.. bless he almost looks well. Went for coffee and naughty cake courtesy of Ness afterwards, lovely chat with another awesome Lady. So touching to have made so many good friends through such bad times.

Had a very emotional phone call from Mick's lovely Oncologist today, know I cannot name him on here but think of Spanish golfers who have a surname starting with B ... he said that Mick was an inspiration to him, full of courage so very strong and with a humour to match. A lovely patient and a shining example of humanity. He also said that I was amazing and a few other lovely things, made me cry a bit but then he then said I could go to him anytime for any reason, he would be there for me. I made him laugh when I said I hoped to God I would never go to him for a professional consult (he only deals with prostate cancer!) how many consultants in the NHS have the time or inclination to go that extra mile. 

Little article has also been published on The hospice facebook page, I gave permission for them to go ahead as it had been written before Monday, just seemed right to give back a little to such an amazing organisation.

Karen and I are very much looking forward to meeting everyone at Leicester and thanking you all for such incredible support over the last 12 months. Time now for me to give back a little and try to be of some help to others on this forum.

For those that are coming to Mick's last Hoorah see you there and remember casual is the order of the day xxx



Posted 17 Jun 2014 at 09:18
Today I will be out fighting more red tape i am convinced all this admin is a ploy to divert your mind to anything other than the funeral service. I have lost count of the number of departments, banks,solicitors et al that want original certificates, death,birth x 2,marriage,decree absolute x2 and Micks will. The solicitors acting on behalf of our bank have posted this recorded delivery and it has not arrived 5 days later. They are trying to track it as i type. Who in their right mind posts a document that is unique and irreplacable by any means other than registered or special delivery. There has to be a simpler and less upsetting way of dealing with all this.

Plans for the service aee now complete, i did have an oh b.....r moment yesterday when i realised i had not been in to pay the disbursements how awful would it be if everyone was gathered and Mick was detained for late payment! His character and stoicism will be very clear throughout a service that i truly believe will do my funny,courageous and fabulous man proud.

For those attending see you all there.

I am doing ok thanks Lyn just keeping busy and getting through the 17 day wait



Posted 17 May 2014 at 00:16

[This conversation is a continuation of 'Mick's day of reckoning' - You can see the beginning of this conversation in the archive area: http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/posts/t7775-mick-s-day-of-reckoning ]


Today was very busy, blood transfusion done, doctor and consultant update/visit, session with Macmillan nurse regarding advanced care plan to mention just a bit.

Careplan in action. target for homecoming is Tuesday. One elective thing could defer this and that is a possible move to a relatively new homecare product. It is called flexiseal and if we can get Mick accepted onto the programme it would reduce the bowel management considerably. Definitely more ship friendly too.

Mick is slowly perking up, this was a very bad infection and possibly not just UTI but he seems to be responding to aunty Bs.

Sat in his new wheelie for part one of blood transfusion and very welcome visit from Si Superman (his nickname does not do justice to the reality of his miraculous powers. )He kept Mick entertained whilst I went through a difficult conversation about things we need to start putting into plans. This resulted in Mick completing an advanced care plan tonight and early next week he will complete an advanced medical directive. He is so calm about all of this it is truly amazing. He is very clear about his wishes and our specialist Macmillan nurse thinks he is a true gentleman and hero. He is still joking and laughing even though things are obviously getting complex.

Finally got some medical support for the cruise, the youngest consultant on the team saw Mick today and thinks he should go to complete his bucket list, be aware of all the risks but have plans in place to deal with them, we assured him that we have and he is happy that if Mick stays as is or improves even further he is good to go. YAY best news so now we just have to keep him steadily improving and building his confidence in completing the trip.

He still has some problems but they will pale into insignificance if he can have 7 days on a ship he loves best (second to our friend's place in Georgia) with some of his best friends and a bag full of memories to bring home.

Thought this would be a hard place to be but it is actually all starting to fit into a very caring and hands on care plan.

Time now for me to sign out, have a glass of wine think of TG & Karen and their trip starting tomorrow, Si and his great results, Allison and John and their good news, Julie just because she is my SS, Fiona, wee wife Carol and Bri the perpetual worrier, Paul who seems to have turned a circle into a very big oval (love the cricket connection Paul) all the Newark gang and George who is probably losing weight trying to remember all he is doing for Leicester. Hope to see you all there




Edited by moderator 28 May 2014 at 10:27  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 17 May 2014 at 21:16
Hi Mo, brilliant that the consultant is supporting the cruise. Mick is an inspiration and so pleased he is taking control. It sounds like you will have an amazing time....I know Si was trying to arrange for us to visit but it looks like it will be after your cruise to share some tales with us.

Perpetual worrier eh.....actually I have developed a spot and I'm wondering if....oh forget it ;-)

Take care

Bri x

Posted 18 May 2014 at 11:06
Mo, I don't know what you have for breakfast but whatever it is, you should start selling it. Such a difficult place to be and yet your positivity shines. I hope all goes to plan for Tuesday and Mick can get back into his own place with everything he needs around him.

Lyn x

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 22 May 2014 at 17:48

Hi All,

I visited Mick yesterday, things are very difficult at the moment, Mo has been meaning to post but just so busy.

I have dragged her away from her 12 hour shifts to come to tea, hopefully with a glass of wine she can update you all


Si xx

Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 22 May 2014 at 19:22

OK so I am cheating a bit, I am with Superman Si, Ness and the girls , having tea and chilling out for a couple of hours.

All is going to plan apart from the cruise, so I qill honestly do an update tonight or tomorrow night when I have time to compose something meaningful. Just need to get my head around how and what I want to say.

Mick has had a visit fom Si yesterday when he was on top form, today we had the lovely ladies from Miami, Mick was very cheery and chatterbox again today.



Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 23 May 2014 at 16:57
Hello Edamo. I am fairly new to this forum but I have been reading as many conversations as I could and I have been following yours and I just wanted to say how much I admire both yours and Micks strength and courage.

All the best and I am sure you will all enjoy meeting up with your friends despite the sadness of the occasion.

Hope you don't mind my butting in. I just feel so lost when I read what is going on in other peoples' lives.


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 23 May 2014 at 17:04

Ditto. Just to tell you how awesome you both are and sending my love. I guess you are walking the road I will be doing possibly sooner, rather than later. If I have one ounce of your strength and courage, I will be proud.

Love and respect, Fiona. x

Posted 23 May 2014 at 21:22

I have held back from posting all day, finding the right words is very hard. Mo and Mick my admiration for you both is beyond words. Mick a true Gentlemen in all that he is suffering and you my SS what a star you are always thinking of others , trying to protect newbies from the worst of this terrible disease. The way you have worded your post is amazing , with compassion , humour , tenderness, and so much tact for others yet to tread this rocky road. I can't remember who first quoted this but I know Lyn will be able to tell me.

This is truly a rocky road, some have shorter roads than others but how ever long or short our own individual roads are, I hope we can all look back at your courage and inspiration and be inspired .

We have many things in common and I feel that I have known you for years but in reality it is just a short year , only brought together through pca , how the cross roads of life can bring people together. This forum has been for both of us a life saver and long may it continue.

We are all here for you Mo, when ever you need us.

Lots of love my SS.

Stay as strong as you are.


Julie XX















Posted 28 May 2014 at 15:26

Officially Moved


THanks Sadie

our thread is now officially over here on the new side .. giving up calling it the dark side as that is being negative.

Thank you all so much for all your lovely messages, thoughts, prayers etc. It has been tough but there is a little light at the end of the tunnel.

Mick has been given the all clear to come home, discharge day is Friday ...so excited .

Will post more later but suffice to say his face lit up like a beacon when he received the news. 




Posted 31 May 2014 at 21:15
Mick came home last night he had a bad time in the wheelie taxi he was very sick but it is 3 months since he has been in a vehicle other than 2 ambulance rides (without blue lights and nee nas much to his disgust) he is going to take a few days to adjust and it is quite scary for him knowing that there are no nurses or drs just along the corridor only nurse mo. Oh and the overnight carer 3 or 4 nights a week and hospice at home+ district nurse every morning and two carers twice a day. House is like Piccadilly circus. We will scale back when everything is stable. We had to fight to get the healthcare package a very emotive and distressing process . We finally got a fast track 12 week package approved at 2pm on Friday, hats off to the palliative care team who then got everything in place until Tuesday giving monday to get a more manageable timetable together.

Today we are both very tired , Mick has another urine / local infection he feels ok but blood sugar is all over the place again.

Our GP will come out on monday so we can get full transfer from hospice to home care.

This is probably the hardest part of this journey for me . Next big goal is Leicester it is going to be tough if we cannot get Mick stable and clear of any infection. But wehave a few weeks and I am stockpiling dexamethasone in case of need.

Fingers crossed ....one good thing we no longer need to worry about PSA results ....So I am going to cheat and move the decimal place on the last one several times and say it was 5.306

Xxxxx Mo and Mick

Posted 01 Jun 2014 at 01:19
First - best wishes to Mo and Mick - you deserve all the luck in the world.

Second - I wish my OH would take a relaxed view to cleanliness around the home. We had a few words when she got back from work yesterday as my efforts were not up to standard! I am sure there's more to life than a perfectly clean house.

Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 02 Jun 2014 at 15:11

Thankyou Si superman for that lovely post, you Ness and the girls are part of my extended family forever, nobody could have done more for us and especially this morning. Love you so much.

RIP my wonderful, funny,courageous Man. I love you more than words would ever say xxxx

I promised him that I would carry on with this forum and I will, especially if I can be of any help or support to anyone now or in the future.

Karen and I are still coming to Leicester, Mick would have wanted it that way.. I certainly do as I want to celebrate his wonderful life with all of you and probably get a little drunk in the process.

God bless and stay strong  please know that I take enormous strength from all of your kindness and support. 



and just this one last time Mick

Posted 20 Jun 2014 at 09:10
Wow what a wonderful and very fitting last hoorah.

Micks final day of reckoning was a fabulous one full of laughter some tears but most of all an abundance of love.

Thanks to the Newark gang for being there to support me and my family and to Si for chauffeuring My SS Julie for the day. I don't think I have hugged and kissed and been hugged and kissed by as many people in my life.

My brother Jed delivered a tribute that brought the house down and the wake went on past Englands woeful performance until long after midnight.

A remarkable day for a wonderful man I will miss him every day for the rest of my life.

As will Karen my WSD who did an amazing job on the day as she has for the last 42 years I love her to bits



Show Most Thanked Posts
Posted 17 May 2014 at 21:16
Hi Mo, brilliant that the consultant is supporting the cruise. Mick is an inspiration and so pleased he is taking control. It sounds like you will have an amazing time....I know Si was trying to arrange for us to visit but it looks like it will be after your cruise to share some tales with us.

Perpetual worrier eh.....actually I have developed a spot and I'm wondering if....oh forget it ;-)

Take care

Bri x

Posted 17 May 2014 at 21:31
Amazing post, but never anything else to be expected from a most wonderful and articulate person. Big love to you both

Love Allison xxxxxx

Posted 17 May 2014 at 23:01
Whenever your cruise takes place ENJOY it as much as you can, we will be thinking of you sailing in sunnier climes than we will be on our little cruise round the Inner Hebrides and Caledonian canal, the forecast is wet, with occasional sun !

HUGS and prayers to keep you going !!!!

Chris. xxxx

Posted 18 May 2014 at 10:34

Hi Mo


I'm just back from two weeks cruising and would happily go back for more http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif


Hope it works out 



Nil desperandum


Posted 18 May 2014 at 11:06
Mo, I don't know what you have for breakfast but whatever it is, you should start selling it. Such a difficult place to be and yet your positivity shines. I hope all goes to plan for Tuesday and Mick can get back into his own place with everything he needs around him.

Lyn x

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 18 May 2014 at 13:16
Way to go, Mo. You remain so focused on getting Mick home I am sure it will happen this week. Wonderful post!
Posted 18 May 2014 at 19:24

Thanks Mo,

Your posts are always so positive and inspiring even though you are going through such tough times. I understand what you are saying about Micks strength of character, don't deny yourself in that. You are Mrs Mick and also have so much inner strength.

Lots of love my SS


Julie X

Posted 18 May 2014 at 19:34
Keep at it.

Don't give up, I know you won't.


Posted 21 May 2014 at 13:44
Just wondering the latest Mo and whether you managed to get your man home.

Thinking of you

Allison xxxx

Posted 22 May 2014 at 17:35
Hi Mo,

Just feeling a bit concerned that you are so quiet and that this might mean things are not going too easily on the homecoming plan. I do remember becoming very frustrated by delays in getting my mum home from the hospice - they were naturally risk-averse and wanted to wait to see if she rallied a bit more or a bit more or a bit more. In the end I had to trust my instincts and take her home against their advice - the hospice manager made me sign a disclaimer and I had to get a private ambulance but in hindsight it was exactly the right thing for us as a family and for mum. As we were leaving, the matron followed me out and said that she hoped if she was ever in that situation, her daughter would do the same.

You will know better than anyone whether Mick is happy where he is or whether getting him home is going to give him the boost he needs and of course, you should trust your instincts. All I am saying is if your instincts are saying different to the medical view, you are probably more right than anyone else.

You are in my thoughts and I really hope to see a post from you to say the cruise is going full steam ahead xxx

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 22 May 2014 at 17:48

Hi All,

I visited Mick yesterday, things are very difficult at the moment, Mo has been meaning to post but just so busy.

I have dragged her away from her 12 hour shifts to come to tea, hopefully with a glass of wine she can update you all


Si xx

Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 22 May 2014 at 18:46
Hi Si, thanks for the update. Please give her our love xxx
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 22 May 2014 at 19:22

OK so I am cheating a bit, I am with Superman Si, Ness and the girls , having tea and chilling out for a couple of hours.

All is going to plan apart from the cruise, so I qill honestly do an update tonight or tomorrow night when I have time to compose something meaningful. Just need to get my head around how and what I want to say.

Mick has had a visit fom Si yesterday when he was on top form, today we had the lovely ladies from Miami, Mick was very cheery and chatterbox again today.



Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 22 May 2014 at 21:28

So glad that Si, Ness and the girls are looking after you. Post when you are ready please don't feel pressured.  So Just to let you know we are all here for you.


Julie X

Posted 22 May 2014 at 23:01

so I was writing a thought through post and the website told me I had tried to get into a bit where access was denied...excuse me it was my own blooming thread (sorry conversation) being uber friendly it also wiped out everything I had written so I am going to start again in word, where I can save what I write and when finished I will paste it over ...aaaggghhh very frustrating

Posted 23 May 2014 at 00:07

http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-kiss.gif We can see that fat lady but she ain't singing yet !


second attempt ...


The last 10 weeks out of 52 have been a journey of some sadness, a little pain, some awkward conversations and through it all some very touching and funny moments. Mick now knows that he is literally on borrowed time but it does not stop him having some fun. On Sunday when it was a glorious day here, his fellow roomie at the posh digs (Eddie) invited his buddies over for an impromptu concert on the patio. 2 hours of old blues and singalong music led by our retired music teacher Eddie. All the staff joined in and everyone had ice cream cornets at half time. Mick was wheeled out in his bed sporting his neck ice pack and laughing at everyone that was dressed and sweating in the sunshine as he was totally commando and enjoying every moment of it. What goes on under those sheets stays under the sheets!

Monday morning Mick was still getting a lot of pain in his neck from the undiagnosed problem, he was also very fed up that he had felt the need to abandon ship on the cruise plans. I was relieved , although  I would have moved heaven and earth to make it happen for him  I was terrified that some silly thing that I had not got a plan for might crop up.  TG if you are reading this I hope I have saved you and Karen from waving at a bunch of total strangers as the ships cross in the channel on Saturday night!

Mick told the team at Drs rounds on Monday afternoon that he wanted to go through his advance wishes with the palliative care consultant and hopefully that would give him some clarity so that he could decide if he should go for the MRI scan and possible RT on his neck.

Tuesday morning the consultant asked Mick if he wanted to have this chat now and with me present or not… Mick wanted me there to ensure that there would be no ambiguity going forwards. He also wanted me to hear first hand what he had been mulling through over the last 24 hours. So I pulled up a chair and a box of tissues and placed myself just behind his line of sight so that he would not see if I was leaking .. Mick hates to see anyone cry and he himself has probably only cried twice in his life once after the ManUtd Munich air disaster and the second time when his beloved Nan died age 99.

So the questions started ..what can I expect going forward? Are there treatments I can refuse if I want to? Can I go home soon? Why is it that I feel Ok but everyone tells me I am very poorly indeed? Will you make sure I get back in here when the time comes? Etc. etc.  This was clearly going to be one of those elephant in the room days.

Some of the questions I expected, the answers we got were also mostly expected but some were not. It seems cancer has many endings and in Prostate cancer much depends on its progression path, extensive mets, brain lesions, soft tissue secondary disease etc. In Mick’s case he has been told that he can expect to get progressively weaker less interested in food, more sleepy and that at some point he will start to hear that fat lady singing (metaphorically speaking) the hospice will make sure that he is pain free and comfortable. At this point I think I was actually pinching myself so hard I was in danger of crying from self inflicted pain. The reason they are concerned for him right now is that his albumin (protein ) level is critically low so I whispered to him that he needs to eat more meat, eggs, cheese and fish ..so sorry Jane P but at this stage lettuce is probably not going to cut it.

Getting back to the original purpose of the session is it worth the MRI and RT?, absolutely not,  the transfer would be painful and difficult the MRI would be very uncomfortable and the RT may not fix the neck problem and could leave Mick unable to swallow at all …F..k that as Mr Connolly would say.

So Mick has elected to have anti biotics as long as he can take them himself for any future infection. A DNR is in place and he does not want to be given anything through a tube other than possible blood transfusions if they continue to help a bit.

Large elephant duly evicted.

Wednesday morning comes and I arrive at the posh digs to find Mick in a very lively and cheerful mood, he is bantering with the nurses and looking better than he has in days. The new system of giving him a very strong but short lived pain killer is making moving him pain free. He is using an experimental bed pad which allows a slide sheet to be in place under it so moving him about the bed is a piece of cake. He knows that Si superman is coming in this morning so he wants to get washed, shaved and in fine fettle asap. He has eaten a large fried egg on toast (sorry JP again) The doctors come to see him and he reports that the new pain management system is working well and that he feels good.

I tell Mick and the Drs/nurses about my plans for Mick’s sailaway party on Saturday, we will use the conservatory, have bunting, streamers and Mick can be taken in there either in his bed or in his wheelie (minus the back brace YAY) Karen, Mark and the mad hound will be there and we will ‘face time’ the gang on the ship. I am taking in Canapes and some fizz and we will all toast them off on the cruise. The gang will keep a live blog right through the week so that Mick can still feel involved.

Si Superman arrives and after 30 minutes of lively banter the therapist arrives and asks Mick if he would like any complimentary therapies, he opted for a manicure (not his scene at all) and an oily massage ..TMI for Si and I so we nip out for coffee. 45 minutes later a smiling and perfectly groomed Mick is waiting for us to re- enter his boudoir he seems to have enjoyed the pampering. A much better and far more cheery day.

Thursday morning and Cruise Plan B is activated. Leda and Stephanie flew in from Miami this morning and came straight up to see Mick so they could have a few hours with him and say goodbye to their lovely friend .. a lot of tears and laughter Mick did not flinch too much!! His neck pain has gone completely so clearly not another compression. All in all  a good call not to go for the MRI and RT. He has felt good all day and has eaten loads more today. I went to see Si, Ness and the girls after dropping the ladies off at Newark rail station and stayed to have tea with them, Nice Pizza Si xxx Nees and the girls.

Next Saturday the Californian contingency Chris, Anita and Gary will come up to say their goodbyes. This means Mick will still get to see all our American cruising buddies.

So many visitors lined up for the next 3 weeks we are going to be very busy .. Mick is looking forward to 2 new goals, being home end of next week and Leicester in 3.5 weeks time.

I am so very proud of my laughing, smiling and very loving Husband. And thrilled to have all of you as our friends



Posted 23 May 2014 at 00:44

No words right now

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 23 May 2014 at 14:37
I feel like Lyn when reading this. Nothing I can to say would possibly reflect my admiration of you and your beloved Mick. You are truly the most amazing people and you, Mo are a wonderful wife and friend.

I hope and pray your party goes with a swing.

Massive love to you both

Allison xxxx

Posted 23 May 2014 at 16:57
Hello Edamo. I am fairly new to this forum but I have been reading as many conversations as I could and I have been following yours and I just wanted to say how much I admire both yours and Micks strength and courage.

All the best and I am sure you will all enjoy meeting up with your friends despite the sadness of the occasion.

Hope you don't mind my butting in. I just feel so lost when I read what is going on in other peoples' lives.


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 23 May 2014 at 17:04

Ditto. Just to tell you how awesome you both are and sending my love. I guess you are walking the road I will be doing possibly sooner, rather than later. If I have one ounce of your strength and courage, I will be proud.

Love and respect, Fiona. x

Posted 23 May 2014 at 18:51
Mo, believe it or not I don't really cry. But a tear rolled down my cheek while reading that incredible post. My tear is not at the sadness of all this but at the courage, dignity and strength you and Mick are showing whilst facing this. I have nothing but admiration and respect for you both

You are both such an inspiration to us all

I am of course thinking about you both and looking forward to seeing you both at Leicester

Bri xx

Posted 23 May 2014 at 20:12

Hard to find the right words but Bri sums it up for many here I'm sure.

Posted 23 May 2014 at 21:22

I have held back from posting all day, finding the right words is very hard. Mo and Mick my admiration for you both is beyond words. Mick a true Gentlemen in all that he is suffering and you my SS what a star you are always thinking of others , trying to protect newbies from the worst of this terrible disease. The way you have worded your post is amazing , with compassion , humour , tenderness, and so much tact for others yet to tread this rocky road. I can't remember who first quoted this but I know Lyn will be able to tell me.

This is truly a rocky road, some have shorter roads than others but how ever long or short our own individual roads are, I hope we can all look back at your courage and inspiration and be inspired .

We have many things in common and I feel that I have known you for years but in reality it is just a short year , only brought together through pca , how the cross roads of life can bring people together. This forum has been for both of us a life saver and long may it continue.

We are all here for you Mo, when ever you need us.

Lots of love my SS.

Stay as strong as you are.


Julie XX















Posted 23 May 2014 at 22:58
Mo and Mick,

You are in my thoughts as you are face the outcome with dignity, bravery, humour and fortitude. It is a powerful and emotional post which I have read a number of times before posting. Treasure all these moments as I know you both will!

Paul xx

Posted 24 May 2014 at 01:03

I've had difficulty getting around the new forum. So am glad I found your update.

I'm not going to say too much because I think Bri and others have put it far better than I could ever do at this time.

Just want to say, you and Mick shine through as the most amazing people and I take my hat off to you both. I'd also like you to know even though I don't post often I am thinking of you and send you all the love and best wishes possible.

Take care


Posted 24 May 2014 at 11:43
Hi Mo Mick

Phew what a post I have read your post over and over and still cant find the words I want to say.I know when I was a newbie you and a few others gave me advice.When Eric was unsure of the chemo route you were always there with help no matter what was going on in your and Micks life.and I am very grateful for your help.I still cant find the words I want to say except that I admire you both how you have been on this journey.Eric and I both send our best wishes to you both such an insperational couple

Carol Eric

Posted 24 May 2014 at 12:39

Just want to say Hi to Mo and Mick ..and big hugs to you both.xx

I can't find my way around the new forum and came across your thread by sheer chance - as Veronica has already said the others have said all I'd wish to say to you both.

Much love coming your way. xxxx


Posted 24 May 2014 at 14:03

Hi Mo & Mick

Hope the cruise party is in full swing have a glass of bubbly for me.

You are both very special people, i will see you both very soon

Say hello to mini mo for me.

Si xxx

Don't deny the diagnosis; try to defy the verdict
Posted 24 May 2014 at 22:33

Sailaway went brilliantly, Karen bought loads of bunting and silly decorations we had smoked salmon and cream cheese blinis and fresh strawberries. Opened a bottle of fizz which Mick had a small glass of. Link to the ship was a bit techno jinxed so we went for a straight group phone call talked with all our cruise buddies and had our big toast at 13.00 

Have loads of pictures up on facebook, have sent some out to various people do if anyone wants to see how much fun we had let me know by message and I will send you some photos and the video clips if I can.

Mick was laughing his head off most of the time, especially when mini Mo (our daughter Karen) said she could be very posh and plopped a strawberry into her champagne glass. Anyone that knows her will understand just how funny that is.

Staff at the hospice were amazing, we had Mick all dressed up and in the conservatory before 11 it was raining so hard we could almost imagine we were on that ship.

We left Mick at 7 he was just about asleep having had an amazing day ... I am so grateful to our fabulous daughter and all our friends for making this special even though Mick was so disappointed he could not go on the cruise. This day made up for that disappointment in spades.

Just goes to show that very little things can make these days so much brighter.

Love to you all




Posted 24 May 2014 at 23:39
What an amazing couple you are... and to think I can't persuade my Mrs on a cruise this year because of my incontinence! I think you must be throwing buckets of water over that fat lady to make sure she ha no chance of getting that voice warbling.
Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 25 May 2014 at 06:19
Ditto what sixfoottwo said. So glad it went well.
We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 25 May 2014 at 09:43
Fantastic Mo, so glad Mick got his bit of a cruise. Just sounds fun!
Posted 25 May 2014 at 12:25
Hi Mo,

Just arrived home so only got your update a few minutes ago. So sorry that Mick & you couldn't go on the cruise but your sail- away party sounded great and I am so pleased that Mick was so happy and enjoying himself. These are trying times but both yours and Mick's resilience and wonderful spirit shines through. We had a great time and I hope you enjoyed the photos, I did wear a couple of PCa T shirts about the ship and ashore and wasn't shy in coming forward about talking about PCa matters to anyone who would listen.

I will do an update on my 15 years bit later but right now my thoughts are with you both.


Life is for living

Barry (alias Barrington )

Posted 25 May 2014 at 18:00


Although not sailing you have given the best Bon Voyage party ever. Mick looked AB FAB in his sun glasses, the nibbles looked pretty good to and tell Karen that I loved the bunting.


Julie X

Posted 25 May 2014 at 19:46


There's not much I can add that hasn't already been said. You and Mick are incredibly strong people and I hope I can find the same courage when the time comes. Mark would be proud of you as would all our dearly departed friends. I hate this disease and the journey it forces upon us but you don't half meet some nice people along the way http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/editors/tiny_mce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-smile.gif

Edited by member 25 May 2014 at 19:51  | Reason: Not specified

Nil desperandum


Posted 27 May 2014 at 22:30

Hi Mo

I follow your thread, as i follow many other peoples, but dont often comment. I am almost lost for words but really cant pass by your thread by without a short comment. I am sending you and Mick my heartfelt sincerest thoughts, along with the upmost respect i have for both of you of how you deal with your daily challenges!

Great to see Mick had a good sailing party and am looking forward to hear of him getting home with you.

Take care, all my love

Lesley xx


Posted 28 May 2014 at 15:26

Officially Moved


THanks Sadie

our thread is now officially over here on the new side .. giving up calling it the dark side as that is being negative.

Thank you all so much for all your lovely messages, thoughts, prayers etc. It has been tough but there is a little light at the end of the tunnel.

Mick has been given the all clear to come home, discharge day is Friday ...so excited .

Will post more later but suffice to say his face lit up like a beacon when he received the news. 




Posted 28 May 2014 at 16:13
Excellent news - good luck to the both of you.
Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 28 May 2014 at 16:32
Fantastic. We will all be sharing your joy Mo xxx
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 28 May 2014 at 18:14
Brilliant news, what a weekend you can look forward to,

Life is for living

Barry (alias Barrington )

Posted 28 May 2014 at 18:16
Best News Mo Best Wishes to you both for.Friday


Posted 28 May 2014 at 18:40
Brilliant news Mo. You must both be so thrilled

Take care

Bri x

Posted 28 May 2014 at 19:57

So Happy for you and Mick,

I feel a home coming party maybe on the agenda.

Lots of Love


Julie X

Posted 28 May 2014 at 22:41
Great news Mo.
Posted 30 May 2014 at 11:18

Hi Mo,

Just wanted to say I hope everything goes according to plan for today and Mick gets home safe and sound. I will be thinking about you both.


Julie X

Posted 30 May 2014 at 21:04
Hoping that all went according to plan today. Mo.

Welcome home Mick xxxx.

Posted 31 May 2014 at 09:02
Hope you got Mick home, Mo?
Posted 31 May 2014 at 11:17
Hi Mo, hope everything ok but sure you will be very busy at the moment. Just hoping things are ok and as you know we are here

Bri xx

Posted 31 May 2014 at 14:35
Hi all,

Just heard from Mo, Mick is home but they are both knackered.

We are all thinking of you both wishing that all goes well

Life is for living

Barry (alias Barrington )

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