So a quick update Wiz visit today,
Scores on the doors and no surprises PSA up to 21060
Alp up to 230
Marje you were right low blood is HB and now down to 9.1 from 9.4!
So all in all a downward trend , I am not surprised I watch him like a hawk , and although everyone says how well he looks (!the old black gene ) I can see he is struggling . His breathing is good so not feeling breathless . It's just a spark that isn't there his eldest daughter visited a few weeks ago and she also commented .
His pain level is good he does have a few more aches and pains in his back which he refuses to put down to the big C he says they are age pains who knows , he knows his own body so I will go with him on that.
So full blood count in 2 weeks instead of 4 to check HB.
New bone scan to be done in the next few weeks with hopefully results by next Wiz visit in 4 weeks.
We get to stay on Abbi until next visit and I suppose I am a bit of a stick in the mud and I am dreading the next step Raduim because that is another tool out of the kit bag used.
Julie X