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Muscle Ache

Posted 09 Jul 2014 at 08:34

My OH is on HT, but he seems to be suffering from constant muscle aches and pains. One area after the other. Is it right to think that the lack of testosterone could cause muscle weaknesses, which in turn sprain more easily?

Posted 09 Jul 2014 at 08:57

Yes ,I believe so .  OH  had tendonitis during HT  but no other aches/pains but then he also went to the gym so that may have caused it.

Posted 09 Jul 2014 at 14:42

Hi, yes, the HT can certainly cause muscle weakness. Has your OH had a recent CT scan as well, to check the progression or not of the disease. Just a thought. My partners diagnosis is a much more aggressive disease than yours but  the back aches he started with a few months back turned out to be spread, wish I had hounded the oncos six months earlier for scans.  Unlikely same for your OH but worth bearing in mind. Have learned never to be complacent with this damn disease !


Regards, Fiona.

Posted 09 Jul 2014 at 17:09
HT can cause muscle weakness and discomfort, some seem to be worse than others if it becomes persistent or cramp like or if it makes his legs go jelly like then go back to the specialist as a different drug or further tests might be necessary.



Posted 09 Jul 2014 at 21:22

Thank you everyone. Apologies the initial post was so brief, I had my 2 year old tugging at my arm - as usual when I am on the laptop!

As nothing is ever straightforward with this disease, we worry that every ache and pain may be linked.

About a month ago OH was started on statins and pain in shoulder and arm started. We were not sure if this was due to the statins or carrying a 2 year old around quite a lot. GP advised us to stop them for a month and pain has reduced but not gone completely after about 10 days.

Now his back is aching (yet again following a long carrying episode of our 18kg (2.5 stone)son).

The full works (MRI, CT scan, Bone scan) etc are booked for October.

I just thought that as my husband is so determined to carry on as best he can physically, and will not give in, that he is pushing himself physically and the lack of testosterone is causing sprains on muscles that he is forcing himself to use (minus their usual strength).

Hope this explains the question better?

I suppose that if there is no improvement after say a week, then another visit to the GP for discussion will be due.


All the best to everyone. THanks xx

Edited by member 10 Jul 2014 at 06:29  | Reason: Not specified

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