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TURP Operation

Posted 26 Jul 2014 at 06:53

Hi Folks,

My name is Brian and I am 62 years of age and I have an enlarged prostate. I am a new person to this forum.

I was placed on a catheter on Wed 23 Jul 14 pending a TURP operation which should take place in

the next few weeks.


I am aware that TURP is still regarded as the "Gold Standard" for this type of operation.


Has anybody had the "Green Laser" treatment.  I see lots of good reports on this newer type of treatment on the web.


Has anyone had this treatment on the forum.



Kind Regards



Posted 14 Aug 2014 at 18:44

Dear Roy,


Many thanks for this quality information.  I have recently spoken to the PA to Mr Doherty about this treatment.


This looks like the way ahead for me.



Many Thanks



Posted 29 Aug 2014 at 18:00
Brian, I have not read of anyone else having this treatment on this forum my Husband had the conventional TURP with a spinal bock anastaesia which worked fine for him with no issues at all, however there might be a significant difference in the quality of the procedure when it is being done for someone with an enlarged prostate as opposed to prostate Cancer where any interference with cancrous cells can be a risk in itself.. I have read up on the laser reatment and it certainly seems to be very successful with minimal risks and a much quicker recovery rate.

Please do post and let us know how your procedure goes as I am sure this will be a question asked more frequently in the future.

Best wishes


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Posted 26 Jul 2014 at 12:34

Hi Brian and welcome to the forum.


The conventional procedure using a hot wire to cut away sections of the prostate is still in use unfortunately within certain hospital trusts which is a shame when one considers the alternatives that are available.


Quite often it is cost that precludes the use of the modern techniques within some NHS trusts despite the fact that the various laser methods reduce aftercare costs as well as patient discomfort but I also suspect that some senior consultant urologists recommend they keep using the old method due to the fact that they can obtain viable specimens of prostate tissue for histology purposes to determine if PCa is present.


With the white and green laser methods no viable tissue remains, so checking for PCa is not an option however, the Holium laser procedure does allow for viable tissue to be recovered and I would like to believe that this method will one day become the "gold standard" as it will keep even the most die hard urologists happy (they get their pound of flesh so to speak) and patients suffer minimal discomfort.


The number crunchers in charge of the trust's budgets will not be happy bunnies unless they get their heads around the issue of capital outlay leading to reduced after care costs!


Go for the green light laser if it's on offer and if it isn't I'd strongly suggest you get referred to a trust that does offer that procedure or better still a trust that offers the Holium laser TURP.


Good luck.


Edited by member 26 Jul 2014 at 12:35  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 26 Jul 2014 at 13:39

Dear Roger,


Thank you very much for your quality input into my question.

Most kind of you.



Best Wishes




Posted 26 Jul 2014 at 18:22
Hi Brian

I don't know if you have seen this link, there is also a piece on the website from a patients point of view.



Posted 14 Aug 2014 at 18:44

Dear Roy,


Many thanks for this quality information.  I have recently spoken to the PA to Mr Doherty about this treatment.


This looks like the way ahead for me.



Many Thanks



Posted 14 Aug 2014 at 19:35
Hi Brian

Glad it helped, you will find Mr D very good, and will take time to explain everything, and answers questions honestly, please keep us informed as I am sure it will be of interest to the members thinking of going down this route, and good luck.


Posted 29 Aug 2014 at 17:36

Dear Roy,


Thank you for your reply.  I will of course post my views when I have had the Greenlight Laser Treatment.

Has anybody had this treatment on the forum?




Kind Regards






Posted 29 Aug 2014 at 18:00
Brian, I have not read of anyone else having this treatment on this forum my Husband had the conventional TURP with a spinal bock anastaesia which worked fine for him with no issues at all, however there might be a significant difference in the quality of the procedure when it is being done for someone with an enlarged prostate as opposed to prostate Cancer where any interference with cancrous cells can be a risk in itself.. I have read up on the laser reatment and it certainly seems to be very successful with minimal risks and a much quicker recovery rate.

Please do post and let us know how your procedure goes as I am sure this will be a question asked more frequently in the future.

Best wishes


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