As far as patience is concerned I'd say a general yes.
What you have to consider first and foremost is that this is
YOUR life you are talking about. Whether the consultant is impatient or not is really his/her problem.
You have to be satisfied in your own mind that before you leave you have all the relevant information you need towards making any decisions.
At some stage big decisions will need to be made and you'll have to make them for yourself.
Generally hospital staff will leave your final choice up to you, although I know some on here have actually asked for advice and received it from their consultant.
If you are concerned that you may not hear properly then before you begin explain that you have a hearing problem and are likely to ask him/her to repeat certain things.
I go in armed with my list of questions and a pen and tick them off as they are asked and answered. I make a quick note of spellings for certain words and look them up later, and I'll do a quick note about certain things to remind us for later.
I am not even the patient - my husband is. Even he is used to it now!!!
Should the doctor be foreign and English not good then having explained you are hard of hearing will get you round the repetition bit.
I do understand your problem with your wife's anxiety. We all offer our advice but only you know to what extent she will be affected by what is going on. You will be adding to her current burdens but she will need to know at some stage. I bet she'll be a real trouper and support you through and through
Good luck. Keep posting and asking for support. You'll get it on here.
Best Wishes. Sandra