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Stickies an update

Posted 10 Feb 2016 at 15:41
Hi folks

following on from my comment on Bazza's post the other day, I did contact PCUK Sadie regarding Stickies. I think most of us that were familiar with the old forum really miss this feature.

Anyway Sadie advised me that the sticky tag has been set aside for use by the moderators and controllers of the on line community they use it to put important announcements up so that they remain at the top of the message boards for a suitable length of time. Rather than change this quite normal use and 'label' common to a lot of forums (or is that fora?) Sadie is seeing if we could have a new area within one of the existing topics to have what we think of as stickies back. Perhaps it should be called forum member stickies or similar?

Anyway, long story cut as short as I can. She is working on something for us.

The more complexity then the less likely it is to happen. so this is just a suggestion from Sadie on what might be possible. This would be a read only feature and to ensure that only appropriate things go up there, these would be selected or approved by the community control team.

If any one of us saw a post that we thought should stay readily accessible for members to refer to as one of these "stickies" we could message or flag it to the team for consideration.

If a post got thanked more than xx times maybe that would flag up to the team automatically for consideration.

Ideally they could copy cut and paste the item with the writer's consent leaving the original live as part of the ongoing or historic conversation.

please add your thoughts , do we want something even if it is not the same as before. What should merit being a stickie? Bear in mind simple and do- able.

Best wishes to you all



Posted 10 Feb 2016 at 18:25

Thanks for that Mo.
I don't remember the original stickies, probably before my time but I do like the idea, especially when posts have reached a certain amount because obviously that would mean members are interested.
There are occasions however, when there is a lot of activity for a member's support that wouldn't necessarily be informative to others, just the usual shoulder to lean on for that member

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 10 Feb 2016 at 18:54

This is not a wish to take away the personal touch and I do agree that great care needs to be shown in selecting what should be a 'sticky'. One thing I would suggest to start is a sticky recommending new members obtain the 'Toolkit', as we suggest this so many times when a new member joins and I don't feel moderators are likely to object.

Posted 10 Feb 2016 at 22:23

I think the obvious stickies are
1) where to get the toolkit
b) where to look up the data / outcomes for the various hospitals and urologists (ie Dr Foster's)
3) basic information like every man has a right to apply for free prescriptions when diagnosed with cancer
4) travel insurance

Beyond that, I just think that sometimes a post is so powerful that members should be able to ask the moderators to consider it. Bazza's is about the fourth time I have commented on someone's post that I hoped the moderators would pick up and act

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 10 Feb 2016 at 22:56

There should be a "stickie" that makes it clear that it is no good coming on here and asking for a recommendation for a treatment option.


1. No one treatment can be guaranteed to give the same outcome for every patient.

2. Every patient responds differently, in their own way to any treatment.

3. It is the patient who has to live, hopefully live a long time, and deal or cope with the consequences of their choice of treatment.

4. And there should be a "stickie" or UPFRONT statement that says if you have made your treatment choice, members here should not persuade or coerce that poster to another treatment option.

5. Unless of course anyone posting and coercing a poster to do something different can guarantee a better outcome? It would be better to ask what the factors considered were, would it not?

just my view.


All we can do - is do all that we can.

So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)

I am the statistic.

Posted 10 Feb 2016 at 23:03

Why not just simply have a category entitled "Favourite Posts - Hall of Fame." If enough members who like a particular post feel it warrants entry to the Hall of Fame, just contact Sadie who can take a decision based on members' views. It can then encompass all subject areas be it key info or favourite posts.

Posted 11 Feb 2016 at 01:49

"Favourite Posts" (I think "Hall of fame" on a cancer forum is a bit glitzy ), would be a good idea but perhaps as a separate category. Stickies when clicked in my experience on other forums contain basic helpful information particularly for new members, so on a forum like this would be more on the lines suggested by Lyn and Dave.

Posted 11 Feb 2016 at 07:48

I was looking at holidays yesterday and just as I was getting out of the shower this morning I thought "now who was it who posted last on the travel insurance" as there was a company in there that I was going to check out

I should have made a note of it and it now means I have to go back to conversations I have posted in to find who it was.

The search facility isn't very good.

I've also just noticed that Lyn recommended holiday insurance as a sticky too.


Edited by member 11 Feb 2016 at 07:49  | Reason: Not specified

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 11 Feb 2016 at 09:43

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Hi folks

Anyway Sadie advised me that the sticky tag has been set aside for use by the moderators and controllers of the on line community they use it to put important announcements up so that they remain at the top of the message boards for a suitable length of time. Rather than change this quite normal use and 'label' common to a lot of forums (or is that fora?) Sadie is seeing if we could have a new area within one of the existing topics to have what we think of as stickies back. Perhaps it should be called forum member stickies or similar?

Anyway, long story cut as short as I can. She is working on something for us.


The owner of the boat may not be the best sailor.

What is important to someone visiting any site, having just been diagnosed with PCa?  

What if someone at PCUK came up with an idea to have a section for "FAQs asked at or after diagnosis"?  In much the same way that someone at PCUK decided to have sections for special groups. If that someone or or someone else came up with a section entitled "FAQs asked at or after diagnosis", they could be thanked and take credit for it. 

In the meantime the boat sails about a bit.  :-)  




All we can do - is do all that we can.

So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)

I am the statistic.

Posted 11 Feb 2016 at 11:21

Feels as if there are two sections being discussed here. One is availability of basic information for newcomers which would be helpful to get individuals started. The other is the logging of key posts written spontaneously from time to time by members. I am not sure if I was knew I would want to read some of the heavy stuff that tends to go in these posts reflecting in death and dying, immortality, uncertain certainties or whatever. Also do they work if plucked from the context of the individual,s thread? Surely we could start a new thread, favourite posts already suggested, and add links to key posts possibly with an explanation of the content so that those not ready for the heavy stuff don't have to follow it through. It would get updated from time to time as new posts caught people's eyes. Just a thought.

Posted 11 Feb 2016 at 23:56
Oh Dear I think this has all got a bit to complicated now ,put to many chefs in the kitchen and this is what happens. (I do love and value you all by the way). So correct me if I am wrong SS but I thought the point of asking Sadie for a stickie in regards to BAzzas post was that it was so wonderfully written that so many of us responded with numerous thanks that it should be somehow validated and kind of put in a special hall of fame, somewhere were we could all (old and newbies alike could easily access it. It doesn't really matter what it is called , most thanked, most loved, most heroic or just simply the hall of fame . I totally understand that taken out of context it won't make sense, but to some it will make sense and even if it doesn't it still validates those men that deserve a place in the hall of fame. Spurrspark , Topgun, old all, Mandy's elephants.

There are so many categories what would one more realy wouldn't pose a problem . Does it need to make sense ? Not to me a heartfelt peice of writing is buetiful and the point being it is all related to PCa.

Would it upset newbies or those of the squeamish disposition (maybe) we could just add a 😀 Or a 😂Ok I am simplifying it but a viewers discretion button would soon sort that out.

There are already so,many new categories for new members to choose from and I can remember feeling bewildered as to what section do I fit into . At the beginning you are not sure , sometimes you just jump on head first because you so desperately need help and advise . So for me a a go to section A or section B or download the tool kit section .

What I needed was to talk to people , real people who understood and that my friends is when my journey was made so much easer . The tool kit is brilliant and don't get me wrong it is well written and is invaluable but it isn't a patch on talking to you guys, a wealth of experience and knowledge.

Sorry I have veared of the path again but yes whole heartedly some posts deserve to be commerated and given a stickie , a smilie don't care what you want to call it

,but easily accessed absofrigginlutluy.



Posted 12 Feb 2016 at 18:34

I had a look at the new minority sections the other day, and in the younger mans section there is a post from a 52 year old. What are the age parameters I wondered?

Not sure it needs to be complicated if you don't want it to be? Bazzas post might be worth a sticky in the relevant section if there was one? It might be a good idea, if there was a section which for those currently in that position, or partners etc in that position, dealing with the end of life stages, can look for and find real life experiences, accounts and blogs of what it is like dealing with that?

Equally it might be useful for those at the early stages, at diagnosis or shortly after diagnosis, to be able to look for answers to the same questions that most of the new people ask?  For example, a common question is "what treatment option should I choose?"

However, how do those who recognise the need, have experienced the need, persuade those those who have no knowledge or experience of the need, to satisfy it?




Edited by member 12 Feb 2016 at 18:37  | Reason: Not specified

All we can do - is do all that we can.

So, do all you can to help yourself, then make the best of your time. :-)

I am the statistic.

Posted 12 Feb 2016 at 21:01
Waited a couple of days before saying anything .

I think we need two things a frequetnly asked section, covers the toolkit, options post diagnosis, trials etc.

Then a profound posts section.

There is a whole new pack being prepared about palliative to end of life care, I am involved with that and what I have seen so far is really good. I do try to get involved in other things believe me.

There are projects running now about sexual recovery, incontinence issues and loads of other things. If the team post up on our forum looking for our input they really engage with you if you respond.

Please keep your input going as I wll make sure Sadie reads all this.



Posted 07 Mar 2016 at 10:40

Hi all -- We're going to set up this new topic area for community-nominated posts that may be helpful to others, probably under 'Living with prostate cancer'.

Could you all have a think and post some links here to conversations that should be included?




Posted 11 Oct 2016 at 13:33

We've created this area, here: http://community.prostatecanceruk.org/topics/50-Community-selected-conversations--read-only

We've made it read-only and invisible to guest users who aren't signed in, so that posts from the old forum can be moved there as well.

Let us know if there are other threads you feel should be moved there!

Posted 11 Oct 2016 at 18:57

we have a start on our requests for stickies and other selected posts.

Plesae nominate any conversations that you feel should appear in the newly created section Sadie has advised us of. It will help Sadie if you can say the title of the post and the user name of the person who posted it.



Posted 12 Oct 2016 at 14:55
Can't remember which one it was or the title but I am sure others with better memories than myself will remember Bazzas wonderful post that we all said at the time should be included.


Julie X

Posted 12 Oct 2016 at 16:34
I think it was either "The war that no one wins" or "When grey skies turn to blue. " Am very humbled to be thought of for this section. Big test tomorrow. Onco Monday.


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