So back at oncologist for three monthly check up. Well PSA remains under control, no drop but more or less the same at 3.90. We then had a long discussion about my general well-being. She had asked me how I felt and said I looked well so I had to point out it was early morning and underneath I was more like a swan, looking good above water but paddling like mad to keep going. This discussion was partly to alert them to my PIP application. (Yes decided to submit an application and see where it gets me, given I'm nearly 65 and you have to submit whilst 64). My mobility is really not good, poor really and I think it's a reasonable application but I will keep you posted.
So we discussed my right leg and though she was not inclined towards a bone scan, arguing the PSA was strongly suggesting no great activity but she sent me for x-rays to check bone thinning DN11 to see what is going on on my right leg, no outcomes from that yet. Has reduced my steroid dose, concerns about side effects and I think will be moving onto enzo over the summer, hinted at anyway. Hope that reduced dose might have positive impact on my well-being whilst not bringing back symptoms which have been held steady. It's a year since I started my dexa journey and it's been a good one.
So quite a good conversation and I hope I did enough for her to support my PIP application. A year of PSA reductions is the bottom line good news and I can take that.