This page turning hicup is certainly a pain
A little like you have slipped down a drain
It's massively annoying and incredibly a strain
I keep turning the page with howls of not again
For us oldies we know we are in page not found
For newbies it must be like a merry go round
come on PCUK I'll give you a pound
Please sort it out because my minds not sound
It's a no mans land , a Bermuda Triangle
I can't believe there isn't a handle
Come on guys we invented the mangle ( getting desperate know 😆)
i think it's just a wire in a tangle
I'm not in IT and can't offer advice
But I usually find unplugging it once and then kicking it twice
This has an amazing affect and sorts it Just Nice
If that doesn't work then you need to call the Help Line number I think it begins with an 08 number.
Julie X