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Chris J's Journey

Posted 30 Jun 2015 at 17:51


All the best for tomorrow. Hope that it is all something and nothing. 


Take care.



Posted 30 Jun 2015 at 19:47

Sorry everyone prob just nothing. I expect they forgot / message not got across that I was in hospital for a fortnight. Probably a catheter out check which they already know is just dandy. Will fone in the morning first thing.

Posted 01 Jul 2015 at 00:34

Hoping you hear good news tomorrow.


Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 01 Jul 2015 at 05:47

It is human nature to try and second guess when someone calls you to say come in we want to chat and then can't tell you anything until you are there face to face.!

The really big ask is to try and think oh well nothing is going to change between then and now and if it did there is nothing I could do about it so I just have to plod along until that moment comes. Some people can actually do that.

I know I can't do it I think about every possibility decide I have every one of them, chew my nails, can't sit still, can't focus properly on anything...you know exactly what I mean and yet I know all to well it does me no good at all.

As for your meds I know lithium is debilitating but it does work really well for most and was the only drug that really worked for my Dad. I guess a lot will depend on your blood work if you still have signs of neutropenia there may be a further delay. Remember no strawberries for you this Wimbledon.

I hope all is well today



Posted 02 Jul 2015 at 00:06

Chris, I have seen you respond to others but no update on your call to arms this morning. You might not realise that some of us have been thinking about you and worrying in case you had bad news? Put us all out of our misery :-(

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 02 Jul 2015 at 10:41

Hi Lyn ,
I really know this and am posting now -- I just totally blacked out tired last night . Im beginning to think you never sleep looking at your posts . And check your new picture out ( wolf -whistle )
My wife got hold of the prostate specialist nurse and explained id only been out 2 days and was highly tired/ stressed and did not want to come back unnecessarily. He basically said to ignore it unless he contacted us back -- which he didn't . But it is strange ? I had catheter out day 10. Would they normally see you day 15 ? And to be fair would they telephone you 20 hrs before ?They did say they were rushing Histology due me nearly in HDU , but if it was that they'd have got hold of me again surely . And as you know better than anyone else , my PSA etc wont be tested till end July . To be fair im just a bit down as expected , and cant be arsed at the mo. Not given up , but had enough for the moment.
REALLY sorry to worry anyone.

Posted 02 Jul 2015 at 11:15

Well Chris, we do worry about you, indeed we worry about a lot of us and the only way we can show we care is to respond to your postings.
When the postings stop, we worry even more.

I can understand that you have had enough at the moment and just want to forget it for a while.

We're here if you need us, you and El.

Glad you haven't given up - don't you dare!!

Best Wishes to you and El and little monster !!

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 05 Jul 2015 at 10:24

Hello friends , just a quick update ! Sadly my near 100% continence post-op has taken a small slump. I wonder if some of you knew it would . Basically for two nights running I have awoken with a completely full TENA level 3 pad . Prior to this I have literally barely needed a pad at all day and night .
Im an unhealthy drinker - I always have been . Sadly it goes hand-in-hand with 70% of bi-polar sufferers . I'd been drinking more before the op , and am drinking quite heavily again re the stress , depression , frustration . Im still fine totally during the day - I expect its the alcohol having built up since discharge last Sunday . However I was fine drink / sleeping pills / waking up et al for 5 days . Oh well . Yes I hear a thousand " well don't drink so much" replies coming on which I guess I deserve. If only it was that easy.

Do you remember Raiden who posted 2 weeks ago - a guy in an even worse state than me if that's possible haha . Its his Da Vinci RP tomorrow . I don't know if he will post or not but is going through with it . We two have literally adopted each other these last 2 weeks and feel we may have a life-long "friendship" to help each other through an ordeal which seems to have literally ripped us up internally with fears of our age , future , sex-life etc etc.

If you are looking Trish best wishes for Hubby Thursday also
Chris xx

Edited by member 05 Jul 2015 at 10:42  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 05 Jul 2015 at 11:23
Hi Chris,

When I saw the continence nurse I took a 3 day chart on my input and output.She advised me to cut down my alcohol intake and drink caffeine free tea. Apparently they irritate the bladder.


Posted 05 Jul 2015 at 11:23
Hi Chris,

I did try with the alcohol but I love tea too much.

Edited by member 05 Jul 2015 at 11:25  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 05 Jul 2015 at 12:08

Chris, this doesn't sound like the kind of incontinence you feared and no, it doesn't happen that people are dry after the op and then it goes downhill. My guess is that you are sleeping more heavily because of the alcohol and so the bladder messages are not waking you up. Yes, the answer is to drink less alcohol or to set an alarm clock for a couple of hours after you go to bed.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 05 Jul 2015 at 21:15

Will be deffo cutting back. As you all more than we'll know yourselves we have had a rough few months of it. I didn't want to portray myself as a raving alcoholic haha. I've NEVER in my life drank so much I've wet myself in bed , and I'm not now. For the first 5 days home I was fine , and that included wine and diazepam and sleeping pills ( because my bipolar meds have been removed ). So it was a shock the last two mornings to have a full nappy ( and didn't take pills at all last night ). But generally I've been lucky I know. So easing back the throttle tonight and a traditional cuddle and relax.

Posted 05 Jul 2015 at 23:03

After the op, your brain has to re-learn the weeing signals, just like when you were a toddler. I have no scientific evidence for this but it seems to me that beer disrupts the new learned signals - John has been dry since very soon after his op but over the five years since, the couple of times he has wet the bed were when he had a skinful. It seems to be only beer - wine doesn't cause the same problem.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 05 Jul 2015 at 23:04

Thanks for your thoughts about Stuart he is getting a bit nervous about it all but this weekend was a nice one to spend with friends and family with a few drinks! He knows to try and stay off it afterwards, we talked to our neighbour today who has PC and he helped is a lot.

Love to you and your wife xx

Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 08:01

Hi folks,
The apparent post- LRP recovery from heaven came to a sharp close last night. Major panic all round . I have been absolutely perfect to be honest and just waiting on the biopsies , histologies / 6 weeks PSA . My continence has remained at 100% during the day ( only 16 days post catheter withdrawal ) , and likewise at night . Only 2 incidents 2 nights on the run which even Dr Lyn and I couldn't work out ( Too much fluid / alcohol/beer/ wine ) I put it down to effervescent Vitamin C tablets I had taken those 2 nights .
Yesterday I met an ex work colleague and sat in the sun drinking beer for a while -- only 2 pints . But instead of being bothered going to the loo , I held it and held it till he left . I was fit to burst and went to the loo hurting . There was quite a bit of blood which annoyed me as I had been bloodless for ages .
When I got home my wife had just arrived with her son ( I have a step-son and daughter with her too ). He resides at a college for disabled adults ( He has Spinal Muscular Atrophy SMA type l-ll .) and was just home for summer. I did the manly thing and help unload the entire car with all the medical paraphanalia , bath chair , toilet chair , 9 months of washing etc , and then went for another wee .
OH MY God. Just pure blood followed by 2 pints of red wee , followed by pure blood . I nearly fainted at the sight but this had happened once before during the weeks so didn't panic too much as it wasn't painful . By the time we had all had a family Chinese , and more beer , I went again and it was the same ( like something from a horror movie ) . BIG discussion followed -- weather it out or Friday night at casualty where you could probably bleed to death anyway. I decided to go to bed and had taken my sleeping tablet anyway , but was terrified of fully clotting and needing emergency catheterisation.
But anyway here I am safe with my tail between my legs and just small blood and few clots this morning. It MUST have been over-stretching the bladder that ripped something initially , and then me trying to help my wife like any man would . Temporarily forgot what i'd had done , and not that long ago ( 3 weeks ) DUMBO . Be Careful post - op
Have a good weekend everyone

Edited by member 11 Jul 2015 at 08:39  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 10:49

Naughty boy Chris J 

When I was leaving hospital after my op I was told NOT to lift anything heavier than a kettle for 6 weeks....

Pleased things have settled down for you now...

Take it easy...

Best Wishes


Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 14:43

You're a daft 'un you are.

You'll have to get past the unmanliness of letting a mere woman do the hefty stuff for a while.

Those females among us who have had hysterectomies will know that anything heavier than a kettle is risking the healing process.

So........ don't do it!!

Hope progress continues and no more panics

All the best

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 16:04

Having RP is pretty similar to Caesarean section in terms of which muscles are cut and organs rearranged. I was told not to lift or hoover for 6 weeks but told John it was 6 months ..... and got away with it!

Seriously Chris, it was a pretty stupid thing to do!

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 16:09

Thanks Lyn
Just seen u on here. I just didn't realise and its set me right back to be honest. I knew it walking the dogs this morning. In pain again. Feel stupid but not bleeding now x

Posted 11 Jul 2015 at 17:46
Hi Chris,

Oh what a shock it must have been for you, I have read this out to Stuart too as he was lifting the case from the hospital this morning and I had a right go at him he seems to think he's absolutely fine after 2 days! Stuart also likes a few pints so I think reading your post has put him off thinking of having any alcohol for at least a couple of months now (he was probably thinking of having a pint after catheter removal) take it easy Chris as this is you're time for recovery. I can see things will be busy at home with your step son home for summer but only do what you are able to do like maybe giving El a break by cooking dinner etc.

Love to you both

Trish and Stuart

Posted 13 Jul 2015 at 12:15

Hi all ,
Really annoyed that the excellent job my surgeon did re continence has been spoilt since my " accident " last Friday and all the bleeding etc. I've been sore again walking and generally uncomfortable. I filled my TENA 3 pad Saturday night and have been having urgency yet very small wee,s.
Last night I went to bed but had to sit nearly 7 times to empty tiny squirts out , instead of a proper wee. I've not had my follow up appt yet and don't know whether to fone.
SO annoyed for holding that huge wee in Friday. That's what tore something. Feeling down now

Edited by member 13 Jul 2015 at 12:16  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 13 Jul 2015 at 15:58


If your urinary performance has changed so significantly maybe you should get things checked out. You did do some pretty crazy stuff that could have caused some damage. Better to get it checked sooner if it is causing you concern or discomfort. 



Posted 13 Jul 2015 at 16:11

Get it checked Chris.
The urgency and the need for tiny spurts may just be an infection

Best to ask somebody who knows

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 13 Jul 2015 at 16:44


Yeh I kind of agree Mo , Sandra
But really what will they do ? Anything ? But tell me to rest ! I have had a lifetimes supply of Antibiotics in the last 12 months , and because I developed Neutropenia in hospital and had to be isolated ( only 2 weeks ago ) they put me on Elephant antibiotics just in case I caught anything . So if I do have an infection it should be covered anyway ??
Calling tomorrow , as not had an appt anyway for follow-up and need to arrange a blood test for PSA and Neutrophil count

I really didn't do anything Crazy Mo . Not really . Just real life if you know what I mean
Chris x

Edited by member 13 Jul 2015 at 16:46  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 13 Jul 2015 at 17:46

Erm, you forgot that you had major surgery and did a load of lifting. You might have torn some internal stitching; I would want to get advice I'm afraid.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 13 Jul 2015 at 22:49
Ok Chris

I maybe was a bit OTT when I said crazy .. like lifting all that stuff,using the pump and all of that within days of being back home ?!! . During surgery your bladder was almost certainly disconnected from the Urethra and stitched back in place. What you are experiencing now could be as a result of strain to that area.

The antibiotics they give you for neutrophilia or other things are not necessarliy ones that would work for a UTI , even broad spectrum anti biotics do not always work for them.

Rest is a relative term my friend. pottering about in the garden or taking the dog for a walk is OK, even having a little lightweight DIY or El fondling is fine after catheter is out and a couple of weeks but trying a full on job with the pump and lifting a whole load of heavy stuff probably isn't.

Just saying this because I worry for you.



Posted 14 Jul 2015 at 08:51

I was going to start this with " I didn't use the pump full on - just trying to get some blood in there ..............

But i've been internet spanked by the Doyens , and its been taken proverbially on the chin ok

Over and out Chris xx

Posted 14 Jul 2015 at 08:54

I'm with you on this Mo and Lyn. Sometimes I could just shake our men!!

Time is now on your side Chris.

What are a few weeks/months in the wider scheme of the rest of your life.

Anyway, I know by now that you regret the exertions but I do understand that initial moment when you are not feeling too bad and just get stuck in, especially if there was a lot of lifting for El to do.

What's done is done and now it's concentrate on recovery time. Get advice just in case you did tear any stitches (you will certainly have irritated an already irritated bladder by filling it up) and then try and relax.

It will all come good in time. Note that special word time, so give it some!!

Otherwise you'll end up having us women nagging you AGAIN!! (and we will because we care)

Edited by member 14 Jul 2015 at 08:55  | Reason: Not specified

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 14 Jul 2015 at 09:44

Hi Chris,

Hope everything is better for you soon.

Take care.


Posted 14 Jul 2015 at 09:50
Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I was going to start this with " I didn't use the pump full on - just trying to get some blood in there ..............

But i've been internet spanked by the Doyens , and its been taken proverbially on the chin ok

Over and out Chris xx

Ha Ha Chris, we are a bit like the witches of Eastwick you know but we only do it because we worry for you.

Internet spanking ...mmmm that was a first for me

Take care our friend

me also O&O



Posted 15 Jul 2015 at 17:46

Just information really

Slightly annoyed as just got my post-LRP follow up appointment for 12th August which is 8 weeks instead of 6 weeks after. Its such a waiting game . My ED clinic appt is for the 3rd , but she said it might be with a different consultant instead of a nurse / ED specialist so I should get my PSA test done anyway . All quite confusing for someone who abides strictly to the " law of straightness " . Grinding my teeth as I type grrr

Posted 19 Jul 2015 at 13:04

It's all beginning to really sink in now , and it sucks doesn't it ! I've been flat on my back for two days barely able to get up , which is so unfair on El.
Then we thought about last 8 wks :
Withdrawal from Testosterone Replacement Therapy re the cancer. So basically shattered. My pituitary gland doesn't order thyroid or testicle function. They won't put me back on it until clear PSA results
Radical Prostatectomy with lymph removal . Drain infection. Neutropenia.
Cold Turkey withdrawal from bipolar meds which were causing the neutropenia ( not nice withdrawal I can assure you ). I'm still not on replacement meds and am rapid cycling so not good. El and I see psychiatrist tomorrow and will probably be put on Lithium for the rest of my life , which basically kills you slowly via thyroid and kidney problems anyway.
I forgot how to sleep 2 years ago. Seriously. My old meds helped this so I've basically not slept for 4 weeks. They gave me Zopiclone 7.5mg which basically gives me 3 hrs max , but I will have to withdraw from that as it is for short term use only. So god knows what is going to happen now about sleep.
And my general beating up of myself re my agoraphobia. I've missed my sons circus this week due to it , and the schools year 2 leavers assembly is this week ( I read with kids ). The kids have made me a gift but I won't be able to attend. I'll bottle it at the last minute as always.
Oh and the mild incontinence and stark realisation that I will now forever have ED to some extent or another.

Remembering why I personally had no interest in going through with this at all ! It's just made life even worse.
I apologise to all those worse off than me , but jeez I feel wrecked 😐

Posted 19 Jul 2015 at 13:29

I can't think what to say that would make you feel better Chris.

All I can say is that I'm thinking of you and wishing you well, although I know that isn't going to happen in the near future.

You have had a rough ride in life with all your problems and ailments and I suppose life must seem very unfair and for some it is.

El is going to cope, she knows it isn't your fault. Just remember to tell her you love her.

Good luck with the psychiatrist tomorrow. Hopefully he'll have other options rather than Lithium bearing in mind your other problems.

My fingers and every thing else crossable are done!!

All the best

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 19 Jul 2015 at 16:48


Understandably, you're feeling on a real downer now. The drugs that help you cope with the bipolar are so necessary - to have them removed will leave you mentally and physically drained.

If I told you things are going to get better, that's no help at the moment. But they willl. Maybe not tomorrow, or next week, or next month. But slowly, hardly noticeably, there were will be improvements.

You have a wife who loves you, a family that cares. You will get through this!!!!


Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 19 Jul 2015 at 18:25

I know from your previous posts you are worried about going onto lithium.

All I can tell you is that my Dad went onto it shortly after having 5 lots of ECT, in his late fifties. He was still taking it 15 years later when he finally succumbed to oesophogal cancer. He drank almost every day and ate just what he fancied. It completely stabilised his illness. The only obvious side effect was his gait which became slower and more exaggerated. It never caused him any kidney problems at all.

I know the mood swings will be hard for you right now, so many changes to your meds and so many major upheavals. Thank goodness El seems to be able to cope with it all as well as looking after your family.

The kids at school would want you to be there next week but I am sure they will also understand if you cannot.

You will get through this just try and have faith in yourself as you have been doing brilliantly and also helpng so many others with your posts.



Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 17:08

Hi everyone
My results aren't due until the 12th of August , which will be full Histology , margin status etc . But my home doctor just rang me with my 6 week PSA which I had yesterday . It should be undetectable but came back as 1.5 which is within normal limits . I'm NOT panicking in the slightest I promise you . Im happy to wait to see my surgeon .
Anyone any ideas or comments ? Good or bad ! I don't mind

Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 17:21

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hi everyone
My results aren't due until the 12th of August , which will be full Histology , margin status etc . But my home doctor just rang me with my 6 week PSA which I had yesterday . It should be undetectable but came back as 1.5 which is within normal limits . I'm NOT panicking in the slightest I promise you . Im happy to wait to see my surgeon .
Anyone any ideas or comments ? Good or bad ! I don't mind

Chris... Are your sure he said 1.5?.....

Maybe there is a misprint somewhere....it can happen believe me!

Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 17:43

Hi Luther
I know you said not to check , but he phoned me . Im honestly not panicking I swear . Im starting ED clinic 3rd Aug , and full results 12th . It is definitely 1.5 . Doctor said it might be where they left prostate on the nerve bundles . My PSA was also very high to begin with compared to most people . It was 43 just prior to surgery and had been rising 5 points per month . There was an object of interest on my bone scan ( 2 ribs ) but they rejected it as a previous trauma .
What do you all think ? Doom and Gloom ?

Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 18:15

I think it can take time to go down. Don't worry - see what it is in another 6 weeks.

Stay Calm And Carry On.
Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 18:24

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hi Luther
I know you said not to check , but he phoned me . Im honestly not panicking I swear . Im starting ED clinic 3rd Aug , and full results 12th . It is definitely 1.5 . Doctor said it might be where they left prostate on the nerve bundles . My PSA was also very high to begin with compared to most people . It was 43 just prior to surgery and had been rising 5 points per month . There was an object of interest on my bone scan ( 2 ribs ) but they rejected it as a previous trauma .
What do you all think ? Doom and Gloom ?

Nope!... Not all doom and gloom by any means Chris!

Until you get a full appraisal from the main man it's not in your interest for anyone to speculate......we are not medics after all!

Wait until you see 'the main man' on the 12th and he will no doubt explain everything...

Meantime, try not to get stressed out over this result when you've not got the full picture / explanation etc. 

Many many options available to you if needed in any case..

Best wishes 

Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 20:13
Hi Chris,

I'm sure things will be fine. I expected my PSA to be lower after radiotherapy but it was 1.6. It took until recently for it to drop to 0.083 and I'm hoping it will go lower.

I think you still have the option of radiotherapy, a lot seem to have it following surgery so that's the chance to zap any remaining cancer cells. Try not to worry. At least you have the chance of other treatment options.

Take care.


Posted 30 Jul 2015 at 21:29

Hi Chris,

Best to wait and see what the main man has to say, try not to worry too much.

Trish x

Posted 03 Aug 2015 at 12:40

Hello Everybody
Here's my update on my journey . A bit long but hope you can read as some conflicting data.
I saw the ED nurse today with Elaine . He was a lovely guy and gave me his mobile number to ring anytime and keep things moving . He recommended a pump to use as often as I possibly can . I will be getting a rep round to show me which I wont be embarrassed about at all . He is NOT putting me on daily 5mg Cialis -- Southampton believe there is no evidence as to whether it is necessary / effective as long as the pump is being used . He prescribed Viagra 50mg and 100 mg , Cialis 20 mg , and Levitra 20mg . He just said to get on with it as soon as I want and to try everything ( but no more than 3 attempts per week ) . If no success will then try me on Spedra -- a new drug that is similar but quicker in action and less side effects . And then he said I can just go straight for Caverject or Muse . We just have to go through the right procedure / protocol .
We wont get much chance to try as family here this week and holiday with kids next week . But I will keep you up to date with the erection journey !

They werent aware of my post LRP PSA test of 1.5 ( should be undetectable ) . He went straight off to see a consultant about that and came back and said unfortunately that was looking like future treatment and more scans . It will go to Fridays MDT meeting and my surgeon follow-up is next Wednesday anyway . I feel physically sick at the thought of HT / RT after having had the prostatectomy.

Has it brought Elaine and I closer together ? -- Yes it has definitely . Its been an immense struggle for us both since last September , especially for me who suffers badly with mental issues . We love each other and will fight it together , and I trust that we will stand together through it all.

Intimacy ?? Well we were "experienced" anyway , so it has been no difficulty whatsoever to continue a sex life . No adapting or adopting new things needed . My libido has stayed really high. But everyone says there is more to sex than penetration -- absolutely correct but im finding it immensely frustrating being completely impotent . But im sure that will get better . Not only that , but we have realised that when I have an orgasm ( not vigorous at all ) , not only is the orgasm pretty rubbish to be honest , but it leaves me in immense pain afterwards for hours . So much pain deep in my perineum that I can barely sit . And shooting pains . The ED nurse said this was abnormal but may improve.

Are we dealing with it ?? Yes . Together . Both El and I are actually amazed how well we are doing . We've accepted it and take each day . But im worried about more treatment

Best wishes to all Chris

Posted 03 Aug 2015 at 13:36

Chris, believe it or not I see a lot of positives in this post.
The most important one as far as your relationship goes is that you know Elaine loves you,no matter what. You were already Proficient in experimental sex from how I read between the lines, so for you two it's virtually business as usual from that point of view.
It's excellent news that your libido has remained high, some men lose that.
As for the pain. I'm surprised your nurse said it was unusual.
I know John didn't go the surgery route but even so, the pain he had on ejaculation was enough to take his breath away for quite a few seconds. He also had the shooting pains, especially when going to the loo, so since all that area has been messed around, whether through surgery or radio then why wouldn't it react with pain
Having said that, maybe because you have that experience there is no "oomph" in finding alternatives?

You are also very very lucky that you have an understanding ED nurse to guide you through what you can use. Even, by the sound of it, presenting you with real alternatives.
The only thing you don't mention and I assume it was said to you, is not to take the sildenafil (Viagra) and cialis together or within a certain time of each other. Unless that info has changed?

Yes it's a shame that your PSA looks like further treatment is necessary but none of these things can be predicted when you go down for the op. You know from your reading on here that very few of our men react the same as another with exactly the same treatment.

You can only make your choice and hope it it the right one for you.

Try and keep positive Chris. There is still much to be thankful for. The love of a brilliantly supportive wife and your own little soldier who I've no doubt is just glad daddy is there for him (or would be if he was old enough to understand the whys and wherefores.

Good luck Chris J. Wait for the result for the MDT/surgeon's meeting before getting too downhearted.
All the best

Edited by member 03 Aug 2015 at 14:06  | Reason: Not specified

We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 03 Aug 2015 at 14:18

Thanx Sandra x
Yes that should be clear shouldn't it. I can only use one treatment tablet at a time , and never more than once per 24 hours , and only 3 attempts per week in total.

Posted 03 Aug 2015 at 18:33
Hi Chris,

All you can do re the PSA is wait and see what they say on Wednesday, I really hope it goes OK and whatever they say you have El to get you through it all.

Trish xx

Posted 03 Aug 2015 at 19:21

Hi Chris,

I, like others, share your concerns and struggles. I also was terribly disappointed at having salvage treatment so soon after a RP.

Am amazed, too, at how well I am coping and dealing with it all. Needless to say we all have different coping abilities and strategies. Mine is to treat Pca with the disdain it deserves, put it in a box and deal with it only when it misbehaves and to carry on to squeeze as much juice out of my 'here and now'.

Like me, you have an invaluable asset: a supportive and understandable wife. It's a tough journey but not a lonely one.

Nearly 6 weeks now since taking Casodex. No side-effects seen or felt. Waiting for my RT (33 sessions).

Pleased that my latest PSA was 0.03, the lowest it has been!

I've accepted this secondary treatment (HT for 2 yrs) as a fait accompli.


Posted 03 Aug 2015 at 22:46

Sandra has posted another fantastic response not much I can add.

Just posting so you can really see we are all looking out for you.



Posted 03 Aug 2015 at 22:56

You know we're all rooting for you and El, you'll work it through - you've been through worse than this!

Best wishes as ever

Maureen & Steve


"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think." A A Milne
Posted 12 Aug 2015 at 20:01

Hello everybody
I had my 8 week post LRP Histology today- not the best of news i'm sad to say
* 6 week psa 1.5 . Tested today 2 weeks later and 1.8 ( 0.3 rise ) -- Choline PET scan booked
* Gleason upgraded from 8(4+4) to 9(5+4)
* Grading T4
* Positive margins all round
* 18 lymph nodes removed and 5 cancerous ( bi-lateral )
* Cancer on bladder ( was unsure whether to remove due my mental state pre-surgery )

*  One suspect rib met

Officially G9 T4 N1 MX R1

I'm being transferred to Oncology . He said I still have a small chance of cure with maybe RT / HT. When Elaine asked if I would reach 58 he was very non-committal ( I asked if I was really in the sh..t and he said yes ).
He said my life would be basically treatment based forever now , which he knows i'm not positive about.

Vacuum pump working fine but I think only Harry Potter could actually maintain the erection he has achieved with it. I wasn't given daily Cialis 5mg so have been using this daily instead.
I tried a 20mg Cialis and he didn't even wake up ( which is fine as all thoughts of sex have rapidly disappeared tbh ) . And last time I had an orgasm it was followed by 6 hrs of abject deep pain and incontinence ( consultant couldn't explain the delayed pain and incontinence , but recognised normal immediate issues on orgasm )
He's offered me immediate Caverject to deflect obvious frustration if we feel like it when we get our heads around everything ( which will be a while I expect ). I know that may not work. We are fully aware Viagra etc should be tried many times before giving up .
Its not over yet I know - but a very rapid progression

Wishes to all Chris and El x

Maybe I should have split this post as very different subjects , but just reporting as is !

Edited by member 13 Aug 2015 at 09:57  | Reason: Not specified

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